View Full Version : Me again.

15-03-17, 10:02
You all know i have been posting on here about my left back/shoulder/arm pain that started 6 months ago. I have just been to krakow for 3 days and i walked 8/9 miles one day and similar the next day. All the time i was there my back hurt and now my left eye keeps twitching and for weeks my left cheeks twitched. I can't stop thinking somethings touching a nerve or something.I have been worried it's my lung but thinking would i be able to walk that far? Had 2 sessions with an osteopath and it hasn't helped at all.

Gary A
15-03-17, 10:24
I don't know why anyone who could walk those distances would even begin to think they have something seriously wrong with them.

Muscle twitches are common after physical excersion, they're also common when fatigued.

Your osteopath has told you directly that your back pain is being caused by a structural problem. Two visits generally won't make much of a difference, and I'd advise you to try and be a bit more patient as these problems can often take lengthy time periods to ease off or resolve.

Your back pain clearly isn't so bad as to be physically restricting you, so why attach such catastrophic causes? Anything "touching" a nerve would surely restrict you and cause intense pain.

15-03-17, 11:20
I know Gary A that's what i mean why do i feel something terrible is going on when i have walked that far? I just wish this pain would let up even one day, it hurts when i cough or anything.

Catherine S
15-03-17, 11:41
People are just going to be giving you the same advice as on all your other threads Zippy...do you really want to start yet another thread about this? Gary is right that no way would you be able to hike for so many miles with any kind of serious condition, and as he said, even a nerve pain would stop you in your tracks, so whether it's muscular or nerve pressure, it's obviously not that bad.

Also, I would think that kind of serious walking in itself is more than likely going to irritate the muscles until they have recovered. Ease up on yourself a bit until the osteopath has had the chance to bring some relief. I'm not saying sit without movement all day, but 8-9 mile hikes must surely aggravate things?

Anyway, I've reassured you enough I think between all the threads on the issue, so i'll bow out of this one, but I hope you do find some relief physically and mentally eventually.

Take care

Gary A
15-03-17, 12:19
I know Gary A that's what i mean why do i feel something terrible is going on when i have walked that far? I just wish this pain would let up even one day, it hurts when i cough or anything.

I don't want to come across as rude, but is having a bit of back ache really worth all of this attention? It's hardly a debilitating illness you have, especially as 8 and 9 mile hikes seem to be something you can do with relative ease.

I consider myself relatively fit, I play football and train quite hard, and even I would certainly be hurting after a hike like that. You actually did it on more than one occasion.

I think you should consider trying to leave this alone now, I really do. You're clearly a fit and healthy individual who is suffering from some minor back discomfort, why you seem to want to think different is beyond me.

Give your osteopathy a chance, do as the osteopath says and for goodness sake stop trying to attach something fatal to something that is really nothing more than a bit of an annoyance.

15-03-17, 15:07
Ok sorry for being a pest :buttkick: