View Full Version : Worried after having teeth extracted, still in pain

13-03-17, 17:59
So I had two teeth taken out Friday morning, they weren't molars but raher the smaller ones right next to the molars, so still pretty big teeth. The first one which was the top one came out normally. However the second one broke and it took them 15 minutes or so to get it all out. They had to use a drill at one point along with loads of other tools. So it was a pretty stressful experience. I ended up with 5/6 stitches in the gum at the bottom. I have been taking painkillers since Friday, when it starts to hurt I take more (normally every 6 hours) only thing is I'm getting worried because it still hurts especially at the bottom. I read online it takes 2-3 days for the pain to go so surely it should be gone by now? Im constantly on edge worrying about getting dry socket or an infection. I keep looking at it and be gum just looks very white around the stitches and red in other places, I'm pretty sure there is a clot still there. Has anyone else has had experience with bad tooth extractions? Is this normal ?

13-03-17, 18:09
With the extra work, it's not unusual to have pain past 2-3 days. I had work some extensive done on an upper molar and it was sensitive/sore for a couple of weeks.

Positive thoughts

13-03-17, 18:15
I had a very difficult wisdom tooth extraction last (drill, scalpel used - the works!) and the worst of the pain took about 5 days to go (same with the swelling), but within a couple of weeks things settled. I too worried about dry socket - especially when one evening I suddenly had severe pain. But it wasn't dry socket - it wasn't anything, just healing pains.

Keep washing out the mouth with warm salt water and be patient. It will be fine.

13-03-17, 19:41
I had a tooth removed by a specialist dentist where I had to have stitches due to the position and length of the roots on the tooth. It was painful and sensitive for about a week and I couldn't eat on it for a bit longer. 2 or 3 days is not that long to be honest.

I used the salt and warm water as well as a rinse.

13-03-17, 20:13
Hi Jotia

Yup you name it and I've had it done. (Dentist wise). lol

Sounds pretty normal to me but if you're worried then maybe give your dentist a little ring.

A little trick I was told once for tonsillitis but it also works for tooth extraction. If you're taking paracetamol etc then take them as normal but in between the four to six hours, Crush one in to a powder and just swish it about your mouth and spit out. Don't rinse. What this does, is the pain killer sits in the wound and gives you than extra pain relief without actually taking them. (This was my gp's advice) and it really did work.

I've also had dry socket, you really would know about it if that's what you had I think what you are feeling is normal and should begin to ease over the next few days. x

13-03-17, 20:17
What kind of pain is it? A dull throb or a sharp pain?

13-03-17, 21:21
I have had so many things done to my teeth. The pain always varies depending on procedure and how rough they had to be with my mouth. Since one of the teeth broke and it took longer/more drilling to get it out, there was both an extraction and trauma to your gums/jaw, which would lead to longer lasting pain. But, calling your dentist to mention that the pain hasn't subsided yet is a completely rational thing to do if you're concerned with it still hurting.