View Full Version : worried about mole.

10-03-17, 22:27
Hi everyone,

I've been a viewer of this forum for many years now however this is my first post. I have always been a worrier in general however over the last 6 months I've been bothered quite a bit with health anxiety and right now it's probably at the worst it's been.

I've had a mole on the back of my thigh since I was a child (I'm now 25) it must be no bigger than 2-3 mm and has never really bothered me. It is something I check occasionally by simply standing in front of the mirror and stretching round to see and feel it to see if anything has changed, the last time being December but all seemed fine. Last week my hand brushed against it so I decided to check it the way I normally would and all seemed fine, I'm not sure why I did it but I decided to take a photo of it with my phone and in the photos it looks completely different to how I see it with just my eye. I have uploaded photos with this post for people to see what they think.
As far as I'm aware the mole has never changed shape, size or colour but after seeing the photos I'm completely doubting myself. I'm a redhead with pale skin, freckles and blue eyes but I like to think I take good care of my skin. I never have or never would use a sunbed and would never go out in the sun without at least factor 30 layered on. I am constantly checking my skin and body for any changes so this has really scared me. It has turned me into a complete nervous wreck and filled me with so much anxiety, every night since then I've been in floods of tears terrified that there is something badly wrong with me. I've got a Dr appointment for next Thursday which still seems like a lifetime away and I know I shouldn't be doing so but I've found myself googling for some reassurance which isn't really helping.
I know this isn't the place for diagnosis of anything but I feel like I need to share and talk to someone while waiting on my Dr appointment as I feel I'm really struggling at this time.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and listen.

10-03-17, 23:20
Hi, I understand your worry but just think your mole looks different because you're looking from another angle & different light. Think i would terrify myself if i did that to mine! Sounds like you do all the right things to look after your skin too which is great:) I 'm not a doctor but I can't see anything worrying. Google's never good for reassurance, i make that mistake too. Take care xx

10-03-17, 23:21
Looks like a normal 'ol mole to me. I have some that make that look like a freckle ;)

Positive thoughts

11-03-17, 02:00
My god you sound completely like me! I'm covered in moles and I have a medium sized mole on my forehead. All of mine are an odd shape and odd coloured. I was in and out of doctors as a child making sure it was all normal which they were. I obsess every summer over my forehead mole, the worst thing for you to do is take a picture and zoom in etc as that's what I did last year. Begged my partner and my mum to closely analyse one on my arm to make sure it wasn't abnormal haha. If you are extremely worried and you cannot be reassured get the reassurance from a medical professional. To me it sounds completely normal and you're just a chronic worrier like myself. Sending love!