View Full Version : Heavy arms and legs

10-03-17, 18:16
Okay, seriously freaking out now. I posted the other day about feeling off. My arms and legs feel so heavy, and they're fatiguing easily. I've experienced some of these symptoms before but not this intense or for this long.

If I'm sitting or laying down, I feel better, just a little tension in those areas. When I stand up, my entire body feels bogged down, and my heart starts racing with the slightest movement. Like it's almost difficult to hold my arms up to do stuff like dry my hair. And it feels like someone is pushing down on me from above, my whole body just feels tired, heavy, and like it's dragging.

Of course my mind goes to heart attack or some major circulation issue. I had two EKGs last year that were both normal. And all my lab work was normal in October. My cardiologist reviewed my echo and 24 hour monitor tests from 2008 and didn't feel a need to repeat them at this time, since my EKG and lab work were both normal.

Could something be horribly wrong with me that was missed in two EKGs last year?

Have checkups scheduled for middle of next month anyway but I'm really , REALLY starting to think I need to go ahead and see my doctor now.

11-03-17, 19:48
I've been feeling this way for days now. Icy Hot helped my shoulders and upper back last night which seemed to help my arms a bit. But now they're sore again along with the backs of my legs from the knee down. Help!

11-03-17, 19:53
Hi hbug

I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious and afraid. I have heavy arms and legs a lot of the time and it's due to tension. Holding yourself with tension will make the muscles in your arms and legs especially feel like lead. I did a post last week I think about my heavy legs! I was petrified there was something sinister wrong with me, but it was of course high anxiety. You will start to feel better when you start to relax and realize that it is this damn anxiety!! + your blood work and ekg's came back normal, that's great!

Take care

11-03-17, 23:54
I appreciate your response! Today I've got neck pain, too, and pain behind both knees when standing. Visited my grandfather in hospice and between the walking to his room, lots of sitting, and lots of standing, my lower legs are killing me.

13-03-17, 14:45
So yesterday, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8-3mph on an incline of 3%. I was feeling pretty good most of the day. Today I wake up and the arm/leg pain is back. The best way I can describe it is my muscles feel like I'm flexing them, but I'm not, and I feel like I can't relax them. Of course I read an article on Facebook last night about 6 heart attack symptoms women shouldn't ignore and it's the exact way I'm feeling right now. Seriously, how do I differentiate the way I'm feeling from a real emergency?

13-03-17, 19:03
I've had that for some time a while back, hands felt tired after washing my teeth and legs had a weird numb feeling. It eventually went away. Facebook and Google, especially these types of scaremongering articles aren't really a reliable source. Have you experienced any chest pain, left flank pain or anything more commonly associated with a heart attack? Of course, if you feel like something serious is going on, you might want to check with your doc just in case, even if it's just for your peace of mind. Guess what I'm trying to say is, don't get too worked up about it. :)

14-03-17, 01:43
I've had this for some time. It comes and goes. I once read somewhere that having an injured/weak/sore back makes your arms hurt and feel tired/weak because all the muscles and interconnected so if your back (which supports you) is weak, your limbs will be too. I hope this helps and brings some comfort to you! :)

14-03-17, 02:24
I appreciate the comments! I really do. I'm trying my hardest to not think about it. And to get back in a workout routine. PAD and arthritis both run in my family, along with heart disease. So it's scary. But my Dad, who survived a major heart attack and multiple stent surgeries, said I wouldn't be able to do 30 minutes straight on the treadmill if something was wrong with me.

14-03-17, 20:19
The feedback on heavy arms and legs has been helpful. But today I've got the weird allover pressure feeling again. And anytime I stand from sitting, my heart races and it feels like someone is pushing down on me. The achyness in my arms is worse, I can hardly hold them up. Seriously, can this be just anxiety? It's getting close to a full week of this.

16-03-17, 10:38
It's better to just check with your doc. :)