View Full Version : Shaking inside and feeling nervous

06-03-17, 10:17
Hi i was resting in my bed a while a go when i felt this shaking inside my body mostly on my chest and shoulders and i was sweating and felt very nervous,this is my second time having this last month i was sorting some old stuff when i began feeling like this and having anxiety i thought of the worst and took my bp immediately it was high and after that it goes back to normal.Does anybody can relate to This or might have. Encountered this ?

04-10-17, 20:20
Hi i was resting in my bed a while a go when i felt this shaking inside my body mostly on my chest and shoulders and i was sweating and felt very nervous,this is my second time having this last month i was sorting some old stuff when i began feeling like this and having anxiety i thought of the worst and took my bp immediately it was high and after that it goes back to normal.Does anybody can relate to This or might have. Encountered this ?

hey dont know if you still get this issue, but i think i know what you are talking about. i have had that happen to me quite a few times. it will strart like in the center of my chest or maybe my back but feel like its in my chest but deep in there, then it will radiate to my shoulders and down my arms. Dont quite know what causes it but it has happened quite a few times and it has left me with nervousness and internal shakiness and tremors for about an hour.