View Full Version : Drenching night sweats with cough

12-02-17, 02:16
I've had a really bad cough since Monday it's probably a chest infection as I'm coughing up mucus but I'm having terrible night sweats which are worrying me. It worries me more that this is the 3rd cold type infection I've had since Xmas. I went doctors a couple of weeks ago before I got this infection and had my bloods done which were fine but I'm really worried :(

Think I'm going to a walk in centre tomorrow

12-02-17, 21:54
Yup no end of colds since Nov here, constantly tickle in my throat and unexplained shoulder pain for the last 12 weeks, convinced its lung cancer

13-02-17, 07:19
I went to the walk in centre and the doctor there again didn't seem too concerned. Sometimes you just have to trust them I guess. The night sweats were still there last night but not as bad as they have been. Hmmmm same here regards tickle in the throat, surely that's not lung related tho

13-02-17, 08:44
I went to the walk in centre and the doctor there again didn't seem too concerned. Sometimes you just have to trust them I guess. The night sweats were still there last night but not as bad as they have been. Hmmmm same here regards tickle in the throat, surely that's not lung related tho

I am not too sure what is going on.......I seem to be coughing myself awake now also with this unexplained shoulder pain.....I cannot even explain where the shoulder pain is.....where the tickle comes from I do not know.....I am confused and scared shitless!

13-02-17, 10:37
I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm in a similar situation with my issues and it isn't nice. Have you seen a doctor? I've seen a few and had a blood test and they seem to be all OK, sometimes you just have to listen to the experts I suppose.

13-02-17, 10:49
Yeah seen the Dr 3 weeks ago, she said it could be Reflux and prescribed PPI's been taking them for about 2 weeks now with little difference! Seeing her again next week Monday - I am going to ask if she can send me for a Chest x-ray - had bloods done beginning Jan and they were ok also, might ask her to do some more bloods too, Gosh I am really panicking here - 36 and potentially lung cancer......scared beyond belief!:weep:

13-02-17, 16:09
I'm sure it won't come to that, if she was concerned I think she'd have referred you already. Stay positive :)

13-02-17, 17:10
Will try - thanks

14-02-17, 04:40
If the cough doesn't clear up the doctor usually orders a chest xray and a lab test of the stuff you cough up.

I had a cough going on a few months with the odd fever. But once I had the tests done it was just a matter of taking some medication.

If the cough gets worse go see a doctor. Sometimes you need antibiotics. Also they can give you this codeine based cough syrup which is great if the cough is keeping you awake at night.

14-02-17, 09:55
If the cough doesn't clear up the doctor usually orders a chest xray and a lab test of the stuff you cough up.

I had a cough going on a few months with the odd fever. But once I had the tests done it was just a matter of taking some medication.

If the cough gets worse go see a doctor. Sometimes you need antibiotics. Also they can give you this codeine based cough syrup which is great if the cough is keeping you awake at night.

Thank you, tried a codeine based cough syrup and it actually does not work for me sadly so thinking its something far more sinister that is happening....I am seeing the GP on Monday so will ask for a chest xray and hope for the best!