View Full Version : Worried

11-02-17, 15:28
Hi All
Been a while!! Thank goodness! I've got myself worked up and afraid again. I keep getting on and off chest pains which I am 99% sure are cyclical. Today I've had a tingling in my fingers and left arm and have now worked myself up into a state that I'm about to have a heart attack! I've taken my blood pressure which is elevated, naturally due to the worry. When I have these pains intake a Voltaren tablet but read today these increase blood pressure and are bad for your heart. Worried.

11-02-17, 15:31
Oh dear, sorry to hear you're having a blip. Well, I would suggest that if you are well enough to worry, you're probably not having a heart attack, it's more probable (by far) that your anxiety is causing you some physical symptoms. I've had chest pains and palpitations and tingling in the past when things have felt rough. That said, do get yourself checked out if it persists or if you have any specific reasons to worry based on medical history, obviously I don't know your personal position!