View Full Version : Scared again testicular cancer fears

08-02-17, 17:06

I've done well until today been ill with that virus going around for about a week then I woke up anxious this morning had a shower did a check as I do once a month or so and when I was feeling my left on on the left near the back just under the epididymis idk how to explain it not a lump, hard.

But like a little bit ripely or slightly bumpy feels different really is what I'm trying to say it's not really a small patch it goes along a bit I normally use my opposite hand to check so left hand right testicle etc.

If I feel it with my right I can't really feel it when rolling them only with the left I have to put a little pressure aswell to feel it I can't really feel it on my right one i maybe felt something similar a little bit further down same on the bottom half under the epididymis near the back of the testicle.

Is it hair on the outside I'm feeling or is it just how it is veins, tubes that are supposed to be there and I'm freaking out over nothing.

17-02-17, 10:44
If you can feel it with your left hand and not your right hand, it sounds to me like your feeling a hair follicle on your scrotum. However, it's hard to tell over a forum.

If you're worried I think your best bet would be to see a GP, they'll be able to put your mind at rest.