View Full Version : Haven't slept for 2 days...

03-02-17, 10:05
I haven't slept for 2 days now because my brain doesn't want to sleep. I try closing my eyes but I'm wide awake. But even if I do try I start to get horrible sensations where it feels my brain is working against me to stay awake by amplifying my symptoms of trembling, tingling, numbness, jolt pains etc. Sometimes it feels like I'm having a heart attack.

Now my symptoms are a mess and it just keeps getting harder to sleep. It's a vicious cycle. Feels like I'm going to die..

03-02-17, 10:11
When you say you haven't slept for two days, do you mean you literally haven't had any sleep for two days or you have just had poor and interrupted sleep?

03-02-17, 10:13
You are not going to die, but you do need sleep. I suggest seeing a doctor.

03-02-17, 17:42
I second Kuatir's suggestion, see a Dr.

THere are also a lot of homeopathic options like St Johns Wart during the day and Melatonin at night.

but it really hinges on wether you literally havent slept or just shotty interrupted sleep.

If you havent slept a wink...see a dr

eight days a week
03-02-17, 17:52
I haven't slept for 2 days now because my brain doesn't want to sleep. I try closing my eyes but I'm wide awake. But even if I do try I start to get horrible sensations where it feels my brain is working against me to stay awake by amplifying my symptoms of trembling, tingling, numbness, jolt pains etc. Sometimes it feels like I'm having a heart attack.

Now my symptoms are a mess and it just keeps getting harder to sleep. It's a vicious cycle. Feels like I'm going to die..

I've been there many times. You are NOT going to die (I am living proof), but it's no to little help me saying that.

What I found is, it's the worst laying in bed trying to sleep but not being able to, as that amplifies the thoughts. I would (and have) got up and sat wrapped up in my duvet in front of the TV and then just dozed off (if your body so needs the sleep it will happen if you're not consciously trying to force it). The other thing that works for me is to find audiobooks or talks on Youtube and concentrate on them and think 'right I'm not going to sleep I want to listen to this!'. That usually sends me off before the second one has finished, if not the first (they need to be a decent length).

I don't think you need to see a doctor for a few days yet, unless you want to (in which case go for it!).

03-02-17, 19:11
Too much in your mind causes insomnia also. Try relaxing and forget thinking before bed

05-02-17, 21:14
Quick update.

I've managed to get to sleep fine for the last 2 days. Today I got 10 hours sleep. My sleeping patterns are still a bit off though. I slept 10 hours but got interrupted twice. Normally I can sleep through one sitting. I'm still terrified of going to bed thinking it will happen again and the horrible experience will come back with the heavy symptoms. I hate anxiety.

05-02-17, 21:19
glad to hear you finally got some rest, Im sure it was well needed.

-Be well