View Full Version : i felt so ill and felt like i was going mad.

01-02-17, 06:52
Last night when i woz at work i work in a doctors someone told me that someone had their blister burst on their leg and the smell was putrid. So i had to to keep holding my breath. Then when i was walking home i was runnin a bit but when i got back home it kept playing on my mind and kept smelling the smell. And it kept making me feel sick. And i coudn,t eat my tea. But my stomach was not right and i felt so sick and i felt like i was going mad and i was panicky and crying but my stomach was bad. But after i kept passing wind up and down. But even when i went to bed i was not right. And still keep thinking about it. Mypstomach is ok now tho

Chris 614
01-02-17, 08:27
Well, I wasn't there, but from your description it turned my stomach! I think it's very understandable why you would feel sick from that, especially if you keep playing it over in your mind. And if you have anxiety and health anxiety our brains seem to let things stick there for awhile. You aren't going mad. You're just reacting to something that was not pleasant at all. It will pass.

01-02-17, 12:31
thank you chris 614. yea think that's what was. kind words.

01-02-17, 13:15
Try to focus on something nice and forget about this put somehwre a nice image and watch at it as much as you can .This will help you a little to forget about this