View Full Version : Now anxious about my mum - referred for colonoscopy

31-01-17, 21:27
So as well as dealing with my own ridiculous health worries, I am now totally stressing out about my mum :( She had her routine bowel screening (she is 70) and there was blood in her stool. It was bright red, which I know is not so worrisome. They referred her urgently to the consultant. Meanwhile she had the results of the repeat bowel screening and it came back all clear. However they are still sending her for a colonoscopy on Friday. If they really were not worried then I know they would not do this, so I am super freaking out about this. I rely on my mum so much even now, and I can't bear the thought of her not being around any more. Now she is getting older I know that one day I will have to face up to this. I just don't want it to be yet.

31-01-17, 22:28
My moms that age and her mother lived to her late 80s but even tho my mom is 12 hrs away I still fret about her and her health (shes in great shape).

You only get one mom.

01-02-17, 17:40
They have to send her for the colonoscopy because she has ticked the boxes for it and they would be negligent if they didn't so no it does not mean they think she has cancer what it means is that they need to certain she does not.

They usually give the basic results after the test I have found so if they see nothing they say so and if they see something that needs further investigations they will tell her on the day.

I know nothing I can say will help your anxiety at the moment but friday will soon be here and there is just as good a chance all will be well as not x

01-02-17, 22:16
Just wanted to say: my Dad has had to have 2 colonoscopies due to positive FOB tests. He has been diagnosed with a large internal haemmeroid (which was the cause of the blood), a small benign polys (which was removed and biopsied) and diverticulosis or pockets in the bowel which are apparently common when you get older. He's 66 and despite my worries about his health, his bowel is ok!
Hopefully things will be ok for your mum, maybe the blood was from a pile as well? If it was something more sinister, it would probably have shown up in the FOB.
Best wishes xx

02-02-17, 08:00
When I was referred to the gastroenterologist for stomach problems I asked him if a bowel screening test would give a definitive answer in regards to having bowel cancer. He said no because bowel screening tests could result in false negatives and false positives. He said a definitive test would be a colonoscopy. So don't worry too much because they may suspect a polyp and this can be removed during a colonoscopy.

03-02-17, 14:29
Thank you so much for your support guys. I'm pleased to say my mum got the all clear on the colonoscopy. I'm so relieved. Now back to worrying about my own health :-[