View Full Version : Chest aches

29-01-17, 16:40
Can anyone explain why anxiety causes chest pains / aches

29-01-17, 16:46
Stress = tension = muscle tightening/spasms = more worry = more tension + stomach issues like reflux/gerd = pain = more stress etc. etc. etc.

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29-01-17, 17:03
So stop worrying and there go had 15 ecgs in 2 and half weeks and 3 blood tests and 8 different doctors all saying its not my heart just find it difficult when I get the pains to believe them

29-01-17, 17:39
So stop worrying and there go had 15 ecgs in 2 and half weeks and 3 blood tests and 8 different doctors all saying its not my heart just find it difficult when I get the pains to believe them

I replied to your other thread about all the testing etc. I actually have heart disease, had two heart attacks, triple bypass, stents and suffer from angina. You've had more tests in two weeks than I've had in the last 5 years! AND... I'm sitting here right now with annoying niggly stabbing like chest pains which I know are benign. I'm not freaking out at all. I took some ibuprofen and a xanax because I know it's stress related due to the issues with my wife's illness.

So logically, what is the answer to your question? You answer and if the answer is as I expect it to be, it's time to move on from this irrational fear and seek help for your anxiety.

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