View Full Version : DVT worry :(

09-01-17, 20:49
Hey, so for the past few days I've been feeling weird sensations in my right calf like mild ache or pressure. My calf is not red, swollen or warm to touch. Basically it looks normal.

I'm worried because it's been holidays and I've been laying a lot playing video games. It's not like it's unusual for me though. I was playing for around 12 hours each day but I wasn't completely motionless. I walked around my house quite a bit like when I was hungry, needed to use the bathroom or when we had guests.

All things considered, I'm still worried. I'm 18M and I know it's rare but I can't help it. I also feel like the sensations happen more when I think about it or something.

I've also read online that symptoms occur only in about 50% of DVT cases which makes me worry even more.

10-01-17, 11:12
I am a DVT sufferer - first had an episode when I was 16 VERY unusual then they came fast and furious......

When it comes to DVT's you will be made quite aware of the pain/symptoms it is associated with -

~ Red skin on the leg i.e.calf
~ Hot to the touch
~ Pain under the foot & probably cannot walk
~ Breathlessness
~ Tightening of the muscle

By all means see your GP if it persists BUT the above is from my personal experience.

10-01-17, 17:58
Do you mean tightening of the muscle as in cramps? Also how did you experience breathlessness? I feel like I'm very aware of my breathing right now and it makes me more anxious.

I'm mainly worried because I read you can have asymptomatic DVT and it scares me.

11-01-17, 04:24
Do you mean tightening of the muscle as in cramps? Also how did you experience breathlessness? I feel like I'm very aware of my breathing right now and it makes me more anxious.

I'm mainly worried because I read you can have asymptomatic DVT and it scares me.

Your breathlessness is probably because you're thinking about your leg. :)

11-01-17, 09:44
Just a quick update for future users that may read this thread. I went to the doctor today and got my blood taken and I had an USG. The doctor said it doesn't look like I have DVT but just in case took my blood and I will have results tomorrow.

Stay positive.

11-01-17, 10:14
I really do not think you have a DVT - the bloods the doctor has requested definitely is a clotting screen & d dimer test including FBC these blood tests are brilliant to steer your doctor in the right direction.

Let us know how you get on.

p.s. Your breathlessness is probably to do with the fear of a clot, when I get like this I breathe in and out very slowly and just close my eyes, everything seems to relax a little including my pounding heart rate :)

12-01-17, 12:54
D-dimer came back negative and I feel so relieved. I still feel some sensations in my calf and the doctor said I should see a neurologist so that's what I'm going to do.

I'm not that anxious about it anymore.

12-01-17, 16:09
There you go! If you had a DVT there is a potential that the D-Dimer would be very much elevated.