View Full Version : Socks leave ankle indents

29-11-16, 20:49
Hi all,

I've noticed a lot recently that dress socks leave indents in my ankles when I take them off. They aren't really tight they are just normal elastic. But it is a noticeable indent and it has me concerned. I am a 32yo male. I recently gained about 30 pounds over the past 7 months. I was in really good shape before that. I'm concerned is this normal? Do you get these as well? They are pretty deep sometimes.

29-11-16, 20:54
If you were your own Doctor what would you say?

29-11-16, 21:00
I'm 8 stone and my socks leave indents. It happens!

So yes it's perfectly normal.

29-11-16, 23:30
i think this has happened my entire life and i'm pretty thin...

30-11-16, 00:01
It's happened to me my entire life too, and I've always been pretty thin