View Full Version : Worried

17-11-16, 12:34
I went back doctors yesterday, he did a load of things with me because I told him I thought I had a brain tumour he is not worried at all, opticians have said my eyes are perfect etc the pressure is fine and all that, but I still have headache! My eyes feel funny and nothing is helping me I'm very scared and I have no idea what to do anymore because I get the same off everyone I do think it's probs anxiety now etc but what can I do to make it better? I cant live like this, is migraines common in anxiety because it feels as if I have had one for over two months now :( I'm ever so tensed all shoulders and neck so maybe that's not helping but I'm trying very hard to relax nothing is helping I'm really scared :( xx

17-11-16, 13:54
Tense neck and shoulders can cause headaches. Try to find a way of relaxing :)

17-11-16, 13:58
You are causing the headaches with the stress/worry and anxiety!

Sounds like progress though. You've accepted its anxiety now.

17-11-16, 15:04
Yes im trying my hardest starting medication tonight im a little bit scared but I've got to do it for myself !!

17-11-16, 15:29
Also make sure that you hydrate. Not drinking enough often gives me headaches and makes my vision go a bit weird. I've definitely gone the brain tumor route before but it's more often than not either been dehydration or sinus issues.

17-11-16, 15:41
Yes im trying my hardest starting medication tonight im a little bit scared but I've got to do it for myself !!

So pleased to hear this!! You can do it! :yahoo:

Also make sure that you hydrate. Not drinking enough often gives me headaches and makes my vision go a bit weird. I've definitely gone the brain tumor route before but it's more often than not either been dehydration or sinus issues.

So true. My reply to everything would be make sure you drink enough, because I tell it to myself everyday, and I still don't do it!!

17-11-16, 15:47
Thank you means a lot!!xx