View Full Version : GAD and worrying what others think of you?

31-10-16, 13:31
Hi everyone.
Hope you are all well.

I dont suffer from GAD myself, but I do have a partner who does...
Firstly I just want to give you all so much love and massive hugs and just say that anyone who is suffering from GAD/anxiety, I think you guys are the bravest of people and I feel for you all so much. Its a huge struggle that people seem to disregard, but fighting those demons every day...Well, you guys are just soldiers and I respect you all so much.

Just a quick question...
My partner gets EXTREMELY worried/angry/emotional about what people say/think/feel about him. Theres been some problems within his social group and people have expressed that they feel he is extremely selfish, only thinks about his own needs, questioning his character etc etc and have been "spreading" this to other people as well (a little..immature, I know)
Anyway, he has been SO SO upset about this, just really really sad and he's trying to talk to the individuals who has been saying things about him, and they did not show any remorse. And my partner is just like extremely upset about that people are saying this about him. He has a huge breakdown yesterday cause of it. Like with me, I would just kinda brush it off because people always talk...but he really took it to heart and he actually had a huge panic attack because of it. Im still very new to all this, so my question is...Is this common with anxiety, to care alot about what others think about you? Can someone shed some light on this..or just anything? I just want to learn and want to be able to help him with this a little more as he is just really down in the dumps right now.

Thanks a lot everyone!

Polar Bear
31-10-16, 21:54
Certainly for me it's a big problem as well.

I think that the general anxiety doesn't help your thinking about how people view you anyway and then if you find out people are criticising you it's a further knock to your confidence. For me anyway. Confidence is low and this knocks it more. Even if people say good things I'm always looking for more. It's an insecurity.

Not sure what the answer is though. Maybe helping to build confidence to overcome the sense of insecurity.