View Full Version : Vacation anxiety

23-10-16, 18:34
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder at a very young age. I struggled for a little while with pretty bad panic attacks that eventually subsided. Fast forward to college, the panic attacks came back and I once again started taking anti depressants. I was able to get past it until my honeymoon 4 years ago. My anxiety was so bad, I had to go home 3 days early. I was devestated because I had traveled to Mexico and took a cruise prior to that and had not issues. Suddenly I was afraid of being away from home. Last year a tried again and made it the whol vacation but every day was a struggle and I counted down every day for the day I could go home. Now I sit on a cruise and feel the same exact way. The instead of enjoying myself, I'm counting down the days until the ship turns around and heads back home. I feel absolutely terrible. My heart is pounding and I'm just constantly afraid, but I don't know if what. I'm about halfway through the cruise and haven't been able to enjoy it at all. HELP!!!

27-10-16, 12:56
Hi Heather,

It sounds like you are just having panic attacks. This then causes you great anxiety, and you want to get home, as that's where you think you'll feel safe.

Start looking for small moments to enjoy on the cruise. Go for a walk out on deck. Stop to enjoy one of the attractions.

You are letting your panic and anxiety ruin your holiday. You need to take a step back, and realise there is no justification for these feelings.

Do not try and resist the panic, just let it pass... once you start to find moments to enjoy, however small, it will gradually subside, and you can start enjoying your holiday.

27-10-16, 13:51
SLA's last piece of advice is very important, dont try to resist the panic, resisting doubles and triples your anxiety. allow it completely and see where it takes you. It feels strange at first to completely accept unwanted feelings but the more you do it, the greater peace you will feel.
I understand that it is scary because you are constantly trying to figure out what is wrong to make you feel so awful. This is also what keeps you in the vicious circle of panic and worrying about the fact you are panicking.

Take a look at this link, I think you will find it useful:
