View Full Version : IBS, Anxiety, Blood on Toilet Paper

23-10-16, 07:46
I've had this happen before but this time it just seemed like a lot. So I am on vacay and I had been fighting a bowel movement for awhile and when I finally got comfortable in our hotel I was able to make one happen. It was very large (TMI I'm sorry) and I could feel my body strain to get it out. Like I had to pause and prepare myself because it felt wincing. Once it was out I felt better obviously but then I went to wipe and there was quite a bit of bright blood on the paper. My heart sank into my stomach and I had a panic attack. I hurriedly pulled my pants up and started crying. I have IBS and have had bowel cancer fears for the past year. About 30 minutes later I went pee and saw that some was left on my underwear. I am freaking out. I have had some blood on tissue after a large bowel movement but this was alot more than I am used to. I keep imagining waking up in butt blood or having to go to the hospital and ruining our trip. I keep overly checking to see if there's blood there and I am so scared right now. I feel like I was so excited for this vacation and now I just want to go home and crawl in bed and cry.

Sam Winter
23-10-16, 08:35
My suggestion would be to go to the doctors when you back from vacay to settle your mind and double check but until then if you're not continuously bleeding I'd say you're pretty goof, its happened to me before and it turned out to be hemorrhoids and second time around a tear. I think you just strained a little too hard, bowel cancer seems unlikely but either way get it checked out when you get home if its either of them a doc might be able to give you something x

23-10-16, 18:07
I once had to go to A&E with pooing blood, turned out to be bleeding 'roids. Never hurts to get these things checked out, but I believe if it's fresh red blood it's usually nothing to worry about.