View Full Version : Health anxiety and pets.

17-10-16, 13:34
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else finds their health anxiety spilling over onto their pets. I know mine does at the moment and I wondered if anyone else feels affected by this? My health anxiety and general anxiety is crippling at the moment. Its a daily horror story of new life threatening diseases for me but also now my cat too. I am panicking daily about her health. She has also had some health issues this year which has sensitised me to her health and I know am convinced I am missing sertious illness and keep taking her to the vet for checks which reveal little. Im not sure if I am just very perceptive and know there is something serious wrong with her or if it is my anxiety magnifying normal behaviours and stressing unnecessarily. I may be the only one, but just wondered if any other folks suffer like this and how you manage it. Struggling badly at the moment in general. Thanks. Jess

19-10-16, 06:33
just remind yourself that you cat eats big intelligent fish that were killed for her. She is doing pretty swell compared to those tuna fish.

19-10-16, 07:00
Why not, Jessie? Pets are like our kids and many people with anxiety say they worry about their kids health too.

Vets are ace, far better than GP's! They won't want to be charging you for unwarranted checks or putting your cat through them so could they give you advice for when a trip to the vets is really needed?