View Full Version : Freaking out!!!

17-10-16, 05:28
I've posted on here before about Cat scratch fever but this times it's way worse and I'm really freaking out. I was bending down looking in the fridge and my one cat all of a sudden jumped on my back and she didn't catch grip so she started freaking out and scratching the heck out of my back so I screamed because it's scared the hell out of me and I felt like I was being attacked. When sh fell off I hurried and rushed to the bathroom to look and I have scratches everywhere! They hurt too. They're all red and risen scratches and I wasn't bleeding bad only on my shoulder one. So first I had my bf put peroxide and rub all the scratches and then I felt like that wasnT enough and o started to think about cat scratch fever or getting a staph infection and dying or getting paralyzed so I rubbed so much rubbing alcohol over everything.. I still be doing it if I didn't run out.
I'm soooooo scared and my anxiety is so freaking high that I'm a mess and at tears. I'm worried since it's on my back and spine that I'm going to get a staph infection and get paralyzed or die (like I said) or cat scratch fever and die. I've read stories before about this and I'm so terrified.
What do you guys think??!!!! :(

17-10-16, 05:38
My cat has scratched me so many times I think he thinks I’m his scratch post. :)

You KNOW you will be fine; you’ve had this anxiety before, you’re not dead yet. (Although your skin must be dry with all that rubbing alcohol--yuck).

17-10-16, 05:42
I mean my other cats have scratched me but it was like only one scratch at a time... my back looks like I was mauled. So many and on top of that the cat that did this goes outside .. so that makes my anxiety even worse. And one scratch is over my spine..so for some reason I think that makes it worse. I've never been basically attacked by a cat before

17-10-16, 11:58
I've read about this before as I have 3 cats and frequently get scratched. From what I've read, unless you have a compromised immune system your body would fight it off if you were ever to get it.