View Full Version : Breast, chest and shoulder pain

16-10-16, 16:36
Hi everyone, I haven't been here for a while and now I have an all consuming new worry...
About a month ago I was doing a lot of work around the house, painting, clearing out and moving furniture. A few days later I had the most awful pain in my upper pectoral muscle so suspected I must have strained it. I must add I have had breast implants for 18 months, I got these as I was left with empty skin after feeding three babies. They have mostly been fine the left side has given me aches now and then ever since, I feel I do think have the same strength on that side anymore.
The pain started to increase greatly and after a lot of poking about I noticed greenish brown discharge coming from both nipples but only when I squeeze. At this I was terrified so saw the doc. He reckoned muscle pull and something called mammary duct ectasia, a harmless condition. I kept taking painkillers but noticed the pain increasing and spreading on the left, around my shoulder blade, the side of my ribs and down my arm, under my arm and the lymph glands umder it. I went back to doc and got diclofenac and it calmed slightly.
The doc told me to see the surgeon who did my op and he ordered an ultrasound that day. This revealed multiple cysts in my breasts, more so on the left, I didn't know I had these so I was shocked. She checked lymph nodes and says nothing was wrong with the implants and the cysts look fine. Since this day when the word 'cancer' was mentioned, though in the way of ' it's very unlikely', I have been terrified. Cancer hadn't even crossed my mind.
This was last week. I've been in pain nearly one full month and I don't know what to do next? Should I push for further investigation? I'm unlikely to get another ultrasound as I had the private one. The discharge really concerns me. I'm considering having the implants removed, it may be nothing to do with them though? I would be thoroughly depressed if I did remove them. Plus the thought of another op terrifies me, I don't know how I got the courage to do it in the first place. Please can someone help? Many thanks

17-10-16, 05:26
I wouldn’t be satisfied if I were you and I would visit my doctor again. But that doesn’t mean you have cancer--I suspect you have some type of infection due to your implants.

17-10-16, 07:38
Hi Thankyou for your reply. I forgot to add the first Doctor I saw gave me a blood test to check for infection, this was fine. Would it definitely have shown up in my blood if I did have one?

17-10-16, 15:43
Great that you have no infection.

From what I understand, mammary duct ectasia is perfectly benign and usually self-limiting. If you don’t have an infection, it may be that the condition is just running its course.

The good news is is that mammary duct ectasia is totally benign. Give it some time and see what happens.

18-10-16, 07:02
Thankyou. The gland has been up for about a month now. I have an appt at the doctor in a fortnight so will try and wait. Sometimes I think the more often you go the more likely they dismiss your fears!