View Full Version : Type 2 diabetes

10-10-16, 08:21
Hello, it's been a few months since I've been on here. I've been doing really well. The last week or so I've felt my anxiety start to raise it ugly head again and I'm trying to nip it in the bud before it goes to far again. I noticed last week when I was talking or just sitting watching tv I felt like I couldn't catch my breath properly. I've also noticed an ache like a band around my ribs (like when I had gallstones but no where near as bad) that I'm thinking is tension. My sleep is awful I've been waking up at 2am and struggling to get back to sleep before my alarm goes off. I'm feeling really irritable, people at work have been really annoying me and I've found it hard to bite my tongue.

I've also read somthing online about type 2 diabetes and guess what all of these above plus a few more I have ( really sore feet which I put down to having to wear steel toe cap boots all day) are all symptoms of type 2 diabetes I'm trying not to look into this too hard but that little voice in the back of my head keeps popping up saying what if.

I'm sure all of this is anxiety but I'm just feeling a bit alone with it all I guess

10-10-16, 09:49
Hi Bakedbeansrule,

From what you say, the physical symptoms and the anxiety seem to have occurred at the same time, so they are likely related in some way.

No-one here can diagnose you with diabetes, but if you are worried, you should see your doctor, as I think it's just a straightforward blood and/or urine test to find out. You can also talk to your doctor about your anxiety at the same time.

10-10-16, 09:49
Symptoms of type 2? Nope:) I'm diabetic, but what you've mentioned sounds like an over anxious mind. Unless you've got other specific physical symptoms, try and chill. If you're really concerned, a simple blood test can check it.

10-10-16, 12:34
I'm a type 2 diabetic also and I really don't think those symptoms you describe are those of diabetes. Perhaps a disturbed sleep pattern but that really is the only one and that's a bit of a stretch. As Mercime said, you symptoms fit anxiety much more than they do D2.

Go and have a quick test and put your mind at rest over this. And please remember that Type 2 diabetes is one of the most controllable conditions you can have and it's perfectly possible to live a totally normal life with it if you take the right steps xx

10-10-16, 14:48
I really worry that I have type 2 diabetes too, it scares me so much.

10-10-16, 16:19
What is it that scares you?

10-10-16, 16:36
Cos its an illness and it freaks me out :( Like going into comas, or having a seizure from it :(

10-10-16, 16:45
Nobody wants to be ill, but type-2 diabetes is very manageable, and that's if you even have it.

My mum was diagnosed with it a decade ago. She also has MS. I'm not saying it's fun for her, but she's in her 60s and lives a pretty good life. She recently learned to play the bass guitar and now performs at open mic nights.

The point of the above anecdote is to demonstrate to you that normal living is possible with this disease.

10-10-16, 17:56
I guess. Sorry if I have offended in any way! I think it's the feel of lack of control that freaks me out a bit

10-10-16, 19:22
I very much doubt you've offended anyone. But this is a fear you can take by the scruff of the neck. Live healthily and you'll almost certainly never have worry about type-2 diabetes.

10-10-16, 20:13
As I said earlier, I have Type 2 diabetes and whilst I would never choose to have it, it's not the end of the world and I have managed to keep my test results in non-diabetic levels by making some adjustments to diet and by being more active. It's very controllable.

If you're worried, go and get a quick blood test down the Doctors. I have to disagree with the above poster a little in that 20% of those diagnosed with T2 have good BMI, everyone's "tipping point" is different and the relationship between diabetes and weight is complex, but I do agree living a healthy lifestyle does help overwhelmingly in most cases.

11-10-16, 02:53
I very much doubt you've offended anyone. But this is a fear you can take by the scruff of the neck. Live healthily and you'll almost certainly never have worry about type-2 diabetes.

It's not always a lifestyle issue SE. You'd be surprised how many have type 2 through responses to certain medications, or other illnesses.

11-10-16, 12:30
Hi Usagi,

You have to distinguish between type 2 diabetes, which is an easily diagnosed illness, and the persistent fear of it, which is an anxiety disorder. To some extent, you can have both, but most people with health anxiety about type 2 diabetes don't have type 2 diabetes.

The simple thing to do is get a blood test. However, this is not a cure for health anxiety, which will continue to morph into new fears, and must be treated as such.

19-10-16, 19:48
Thanks for the reassurance guys. I guess cos it's publishized so so much now you think about it more and how it's ' bad '