View Full Version : Carpal Tunnel?

07-10-16, 22:19
I've been extremely anxious over the symptoms of diabetes. And for the past few months I've been peeing a lot, but just todat I noticed my right hand is tingly. I flex if and move it around and it goes away momentarily but then comes back. It's just a slight tingly pain that is around the palm of my hand to about my ring finger. So I suspect it might be carpal tunnel. I have my elbows at a constantly 90 degree angle for I'm always on a computer with my hand on a mouse. I'm worried it's either diabetes or carpal tunnel. Anyone have any suggestions?

07-10-16, 23:46
I don't know too much about this so don't take my word for it, but is there any chance you may be experiencing this tingly feeling as a result of anxiety? Do you only ever have it in your right hand?

08-10-16, 03:47
I get this occasionally. Get yourself a wrist brace/support. It really helps.

Positive thoughts

08-10-16, 08:34
Carpel tunnel is nothing to worry about, my GF's had it for years. Hers comes and goes.

There are exercises you can do for it and physiotherapy tools.

I think my last office used to get people those wrist rest things for the keyboard. I always hated using someone's desk who had one, they take some getting used to!

It could just be one of the many weird & wondering transient aches & pains that these disorders seem to bless us with so maybe it will go?

chatty girl
08-10-16, 09:46
I've suffered with carpal tunnel also for years both hands.
If I bend my wrists for to long my hands eventually go numb, the tips of my middle & ring finger are numb too.

Get some proper wrist supports from the doctor. I don't know how it works your way but here they run a special carpal tunnel clinic, I found it firstly by web search.

They do some nerve tests to decide how bad it is. My right hand used to be the worst but I had steriod injections in it and it all disappeared.

Not a nice illness but not life threatening.
