View Full Version : HELP

05-10-16, 11:21
Please bear with me.

I am 16, the only child and I get panic/anxiety attacks often, easily. I really need help. I feel pain everywhere, like mostly in my hands and legs (feels like its in my bones, is this a symptom of..) and I'm convinced I've got the "C" word. I have lost 7 pounds in a month and I AM FREAKING OUT. I have got back aches that are moderate pain that come and go, (another symptom there). HELP ME

I have some lymph nodes which some of you have reassured me of, but I am still panicking. I have even been referred to a mental hospital but I am afraid my parents will judge me if I told them I'm going there to get help. I have major GCE exams in 20 days and I cannot handle the immense pressure. I worry about my health, and recently I have been closer to my mother because I feel like my days are numbered. Are they ? I can barely study / function as a human being PLEASE HELP ME somebody !!!!!

05-10-16, 12:36
Your mental health comes first, and is nothing to ashamed of. Your parents will probably understand better than you think and if they don't... well if you need the help, you need the help.

Your school/college probably has counsellors or pastoral support to discuss exam pressures and stress, the rest of the anxiety about your health could all stem from that. It's a hugely stressful time.

There's nothing in anything you've said to convince anyone here you should worry about cancer. Pains that come and go and aren't focused on a particular part of the body are usually a good sign that they're stress-relate. You're also 16, your body may still be growing and changing and doing all kinds of weird stuff just as the the natural part of growing up. And remember, cancer is rare, normal, mundane, benign things causing you aches and pains are very common. You need to talk to someone about your stress and anxiety, but also be honest about anyone you speak to about your physical "symptoms" as they can hopefully put your mind at rest about it.

05-10-16, 13:35
I'd recommend seeing a Doctor, and talking through your problems. They will refer you to a CBT Therapist if necessary, and then you can start to learn techniques to help you manage your anxiety and eventually lead a normal life.

Everyone manages their mental health on a daily basis. Some don't ever need any help, but the good majority of people at some point in their lives will need assistance however big or small.

Aside from seeing a Doctor, the next thing I would suggest doing is monitoring your diet, and making sure you are eating and drinking well.

And then try and give yourself small periods of breaks each day where you allow yourself time to just enjoy being alive, even if its a tough day.