View Full Version : Fullness feeling in rectum

12-09-16, 03:49
I've been having a full feeling/dull ache in my rectum for about a week now and am freaking out a bit. It's more noticeable when I sit down or lay on it. I also have been having a dull ache in my vagina (ladies .. It's almost like when you have a period and it feels "heavy" down there) So double freaked out. I'm fairly healthy otherwise no blood in stool. Have had a little bit of weird "skid mark" ... So gross I know. I don't have kids if that helps. I'm terrified of going to the doctor and having her find something serious :(

12-09-16, 03:50
I had this for awhile, turned out to be my earliest symptom of fibroids.

12-09-16, 16:51
Thanks Nancy I hadn't thought of that. My mom freaked me out last night and made it seem like I should see a doctor asap and my hubby is mad at her for freaking me out so much. I didn't get much sleep and I'm still worried. Still feel the pressure in my bum. Sometimes I'll get a sharper pain closer to the top near where your coccyx is and it's hard to ignore. Trying to not let myself spiral into bad thoughts .. Have done a fair bit of googling.

12-09-16, 20:25
It sounds like proctalgia which can be very uncomfortable but is completely benign

12-09-16, 20:39
Your description sounds exactly like a symptom I had recently. It was very uncomfortable. I went to the doctor and got examined, which was an unpleasant experience for all concerned.

I got a clean bill of rectal health, though. Nothing like walking down the street after finding out your butthole is in good nick. All I came away with was some Mebeverine for IBS. It did seem to help.

12-09-16, 22:10
Your description sounds exactly like a symptom I had recently. It was very uncomfortable. I went to the doctor and got examined, which was an unpleasant experience for all concerned.

I got a clean bill of rectal health, though. Nothing like walking down the street after finding out your butthole is in good nick. All I came away with was some Mebeverine for IBS. It did seem to help.

I've never been diagnosed with ibs. Did they explain why you were feeling that fullness ?

12-09-16, 23:16
It would I have Ibs and I have that all the time.

12-09-16, 23:28
I've never been diagnosed with ibs. Did they explain why you were feeling that fullness ?

It was a busy appointment in which I was worried about other things so she didn't even really say I had IBS. But she did tell me everything seemed fine and I had nothing to worry about, then prescribed an IBS medication.

I would assume that my own explanation of the symptoms and her examination of me led her to that conclusion.

13-09-16, 22:32
Thanks for the info everyone. Today the dull achiness is not as apparent but I definitely notice it when sleeping or sitting. I'm hoping it'll fix itself? I didn't want to go to the doctor quite yet especially because I can feel my period coming on soon.