View Full Version : Help!

11-09-16, 11:39
I have to get my wisdom teeth removed however I am terrified of a jaw dislocation happening, a jaw fracture happening, or having TMJ problems after. Can anyone maybe give me some tips on how to ease this fear. I know that these things are rare with wisdom teeth removal it's just one of those things where I think what if I'm one of those rare cases. Anyway I'm very freaked out and really need some help with this.

14-09-16, 19:33
Honestly, those things must be super, super rare because when I had my wisdom teeth removed they made me watch a video on how the procedure is performed and the **potential** things that could go wrong and not one of those things you listed were mentioned.

First off, stay off Google! Second, a jaw dislocation or fracture is obviously not a fun thing but it's not fatal nor is it permanent - IF it happened (and that's a BIG IF) it can be fixed. I've worried about TMJ as well as I grind my teeth a lot but it's seriously unlikely it will happen with this surgery and even if it did, from what I've been told, despite my own fears, it's not the end of the world either.

I have to say I LOVED getting my wisdom teeth out. My mother picked me up and took me home, I got to take a long nap, she made me all kinds of soft foods that I loved and just generally doted on me. It was nice :) Thankfully I didn't have dry sockets or any real pain.

The WORST thing about having your wisdom teeth out is that you'll have holes where they used to be and food will get stuck there. It's gross and it's annoying. It won't last forever but man, that was hard to live with. :)