View Full Version : Effexor for panic attacks?

02-09-16, 21:32

panic attacks started about 3 months ago, got on prozac for them but it made my life an absolute hell for the past 3 months. Coming off them right now, pretty much in hell. In a state of panic constantly. Doc put me on 37.5mg of effexor to start then increase to 75mg next week-- I'm absolutely terrified to take it because of how hard of a time I had on prozac. Prozac didn't work for me because it increased my anxiety, caused me extreme derealization, and I felt jittery like I was "tweaking" 24/7.... anyone have insight??

03-09-16, 02:13
Hi Lucy! I took Prozac a long time ago and don't really remember the start up effects and I haven't taken effexor before either. The thing with Anti Depressants though is they pretty much all have start up effects (the only one I found that didn't is Mirtazapine). Most AD start up effects do seem to increase the anxiety at first (this is just your brain getting used to it). Mirtazapine has a sedative effect at a low dose, so it is a bit different. Because of the sedative effect it can make you quite groggy in the morning and during the day when you first start taking it and also is known to make you gain weight. If you are really struggling the best thing you can do is go back to your GP and ask if they might be able to give you something short term to help you through the start up period of the effexor. Other than this the only other thing you can do is ride through the start up effects and practice your calming techniques, meditation, deep breathing etc. This is my opinion only, but if the panic is really bad, delaying starting the effexor is only going to draw out everything. The medications do eventually reduce the anxiety...well sertraline worked for me, but to get to that point, you have to endure the start up effects. Try to speak to your GP, and explain how bad you are feeling...be totally honest with them, so they are able to help you. Maybe have a look on the Medications Forum under Effexor, lots of people post about their start up experiences, read back through older posts as well. Hope you find some relief soon. I am always brutally honest with my Psych about how I am feeling and he is always very helpful. They are there to help you. Tracy xx

03-09-16, 02:39
Hi Lucy,

I am on Effexor/venlafaxine for the past two months. Started on 37.5, then up to 75 after a couple of weeks then onto 112.5 for the past month.

I was in a pretty bad way after tapering off escitalopram late last year and then realising I needed meds after a few weeks. I Tried sertaline for a week and coudn't stand how ill I was for any longer so switched to citalopram and hung in there for three weeks but I was not coping at all. They switched me to Mirtazapine which lessened the effects but I still felt terrible so ended up stopping that. But eventually in March was put back on it. It seemed to help a bit but I took a downturn again in June and psychiatrist convinced me to take venlafaxine. I was really resistant as I didn't want to deal with the seretonin effects but they weren't nearly as bad.

I started noticing some improvements after about 4 weeks. The psych wanted me on 150 mg but I was worried about the noradrenaline effects so I've stuck on 112.5.

It hasn't worked miracles but I'm not having the overwhelming panic surges and my baseline anxiety level (which was very high 24/7) has lowered quite a bit.

I didn't have the same start up effects as the other SSRIs so maybe it will be good for you too?

03-09-16, 05:51
Hi- thank you so much for all your insight !! Right now, I've decided that I'm not going to start the Effexor. I felt really ok when I was initially on 10mg of Prozac, when I upped my dose to 20, within the month the panic was back and more brutal than ever before. hopefully I find some relief soon, tapering off the 20mg is pretty difficult. Hopefully my mind returns back to where it was before I increased it??

03-09-16, 05:56
I hope it goes smoothly for you!

03-09-16, 19:54
I feel a little better, still having some mild anxiety and times of mild derealization but I really hope this is working!!!! Thank you all so much for your help, such a difficult time, i wish it was easier.....