View Full Version : 1 month on 25 mg update

21-08-16, 07:41
Coming up on 1 month of 25 mg for panic disorder. Was apprehensive to take SSRI's and tried some holistic routes first. Thus far, no negative side effects at all and a noticeably more positive mood. Anxiety has slightly decreased (if at all) but it still definitely there. I have noticed slight sleep difficulty, but also have been a little more tired in general. I still feel like myself which is the biggest plus. No complaints so far!

My doctor is increasing my dose to 50 mg, so we will see if there are noticeable changes. I think the dose needs to increase in order for it to affect my anxiety, but am a bit apprehensive in case of negative side effects.

21-08-16, 13:10
I think 25 mg is still quite low for this med, so I am sure you will feel a lot better with increasing doses. It's great though that you haven't had side effects!