View Full Version : Cbt for my son

03-08-16, 22:55

Apologies if this is not the right forum but I would like some advice for my son, who will be 13 in Sept.

As a child he has never liked change for example if we walked anywhere it would have to be the same route, if he was set a task at school in a group things had to be done how he liked them. He is not that adventurous with foods and likes what he knoes he likes, he has a few good close friends and more kids that he knows and is friendly with but not friends as in they hang out after school etc.

Well tonight he had a major intrusive thought, that he has been having for weeks but not said anything, I don't know how often he has had this but it did also happen a few weeks ago.

I think some cbt sessions could help him learn to deal with this better, so how do I get him cbt? I had mine through a very supportive employer so don't know how to organise it for him.

Thanks for any advice
