View Full Version : Tinnitus - Brain tumour?

27-07-16, 19:52
Massive freak out right now, sorry to post again.

I had some tinnitus. Then I started to worry about it and had some more of it and then again. In one ear. Ringing. For a few seconds. Happened three times in half hour.

Read about brain tumours
So so so scared

I have a lot of ear wax in that ear.
So scared I have lost appetite.

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

I find comfort in this post so pleAse can someone reply.

27-07-16, 20:07
There are loads and loads of none serious reasons for tinnitus anything from ear wax to loud noises to getting older to jaw joint problems/neck problems etc etc etc. Tinnitus as sign of brain tumour is exceptionally rare and would be just one of other symptoms.

I developed pulsitile tinnitus 9 years ago ( I can hear my heartbeat whooshing in my left ear 24/7). Like you I was convinced it was a blood vessel about to go bang or my neck arteries blocking up or a brain tumour. guess what after brain scan/artery scan there was no reason they could find.

I also for past 20 years have had what you are describing where I get ringing in one ear only for a few seconds on and off for few days then it goes away again. I can go months without it then it will be a real nuisance for a few weeks. Its just that a nuisance!

GEt the wax sorted out first and if you still have it after that then sensible to see your GP but its almost certainly just one of those bodily things that is a nuisance:wacko:

27-07-16, 20:08
Reb you dont find comfort because you come back in no time with something else.

Go back and read some of the advice that has been given over tackling your anxiety.

You need to get a handle on this, only you can fix this, all we are doing is helping you to continue the re assurance cycle.

Sorry if it sounds harsh

27-07-16, 20:15
Honestly Ellen I am just as annoyed at me as you all are, if not more. I took time to reflect today on my recent posting and how I assume the worst (few loose poops and I'm diagnosing self with BC) and I had to laugh at myself. Someone jumped in my front of my train on way o work today and I really hit home.

Yet I go home, relax hear ringing and back to freaking out again. I had a lot of wax in there and I just dug it out (sorry for tmi) and it hasn't come back in last hour. My boyfriends mom made me food and I couldn't eat it because I let myself get that scared.

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

And country girl I had pulsate for a few weeks too last yeAr and it went away. I'm just sick of feeling like there's something new to worry about.

27-07-16, 20:31

Yet I go home, relax hear ringing and back to freaking out again. I had a lot of wax in there and I just dug it out (sorry for tmi) and it hasn't come back in last hour. [COLOR="blue"]

So we would have been wasting our time responding?

I am sure it has been suggested to you recently but instead of jumping onto the forum about your latest fear, why not type it out, then wait a few hours and ask yourself do you really really need to post?

27-07-16, 21:21
I worry it is related to the on off tingling I have in foot. Hasn't had this for a while but came back when I worry??

Gary A
27-07-16, 21:33
Brain tumours do not create "on/off" symptoms, they are very much "on" 24/7. Symptoms produced by a brain tumour are caused by the tumour putting pressure on a specific brain region. As I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out on your own, tumours don't produce symptoms for a while then take a few hours off for a cigarette and a cup of tea.

You do not have a brain tumour. Stop this nonsense.

27-07-16, 22:59
Honestly this ringing in ear has knocked me for six. Just when I took control today (for a good day!) I'm back down the spiral. Almost like I got a little jammed on the helter skelter that's anxiety. I worked out a smell I was worrying about was my lovely boyfriends breath (lol) and then this ringing. Ringing is linked to acoustic neuroma and tingling would be another type. I just worry I have a brain tumour and my anxiety will stop me getting xhecked

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

Now I worry I can smell that smell again since I mentioned it. It could be my sweat. I've been gross enough to swab my pits and it smells similar. (I am hygienic btw) this is ruining me. I'm so convinced.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------

What had you said Fishman? My boyfriend just snapped at me saying he's out up with too much

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ----------

What if having anxiety attacks are a symptoms of brain tumour?

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

My mom asked if I was drunk because I was so panicky and 'over dramatic' and I know think this is a symotom

Gary A
27-07-16, 23:18
What is the point in answering your queries if you patently are not interested in taking any advice? You're just babbling nonsense now, frankly.

27-07-16, 23:22
I am! Honestly I am but I go off on tangent.

27-07-16, 23:25
It's not a brain tumor. If ringing for a few seconds meant that you have a BT then half the population would have one. As said before it wouldn't come and go it would be constant along with other symptoms. Don't pick out little tingles in your body and match it up along with that,forget about it and move on!

Gary A
27-07-16, 23:34
I am! Honestly I am but I go off on tangent.

Well then stop going off on bloody tangents! Stop trying to put a "yeah but" in front of every bit of logic presented to you.

Your body is a very sophisticated piece of machinery, but like all machinery, it can sometimes clunk and grind and make funny noises. Do you think you should go through each day with absolutely nothing happening within your body?

Here's a question for you. What do you define as "normal" now? How would your body need to behave in order for you not to worry?

27-07-16, 23:35
Why I think brain tumour;

Random tingles
I think I can smell things but most time so can someone else or there's a reason.
Ringing ears
I have huge anxiety

Gary A
27-07-16, 23:37
Why I think brain tumour;

Random tingles
I think I can smell things but most time so can someone else or there's a reason.
Ringing ears
I have huge anxiety

None of which even remotely suggest brain tumour.

27-07-16, 23:38
What is the point in answering your queries if you patently are not interested in taking any advice? You're just babbling nonsense now, frankly.

That's the jist of what I said. You're so worried about losing your life to some imaginary illness that you're essentially not living.

Positive thoughts

28-07-16, 00:25
I get so close and yet still so far. It's almost like all logic is away.

I've just been doing some memory tears (app for fun) and my speed and response is better than average so that makes me feel better.

28-07-16, 11:08
I had an eye test recently and back of eyes were healthy. Is it true that MOST Brain tumours would have been picked up by looking at eye health?

28-07-16, 22:29
You really are not listening to what anyone is saying to you. completely ignoring all our posts that are hoping to offer some reassurance.

As the saying goes " you cannot help those that do not want to be helped".

You know the answer to all the questions you ask because they have all been answered before.

Before you ask another question read back through all the posts on the thread and you will find that someone has alrady given you the answer.

Severe health anxiety is extemely selfish and eventually you will push everyone away from you - is this what you want?