View Full Version : Weird feeling on face??

20-06-16, 05:43
Does anybody else get this and can anxiety really case it even if I don't feel anxious???

I have this weird sensation on the right side of my face that sometimes feels like it is coming from my eye and sometimes it feels like it is coming from my jaw. It is sometimes like there is a pressure pushing on my cheek bone and some times it feels like the skin is tight. Some times it feels like a tingling and sometimes it feels like my jaw by my ear is full of pressure. I keep trying to relax and tell myself that it is me being tense that is causing the muscles to tighten but my mind keeps going back to what if there is s tumor...

Am I alone in feeling this? I haven't come across many other people who have facial symptoms

21-06-16, 05:04
I am so glad i came across your post! I have been searching and searching for reassurance of my symptoms being related to anxiety, and that maybe i would find someone who had a similar scenario. For almost 3 months now, I have had what started out as eye strain and could hardly read or watch anything for long. I obsessed over this and searched for ways to fix it, until then it started spreading into my jaw (i already had tmj before all this so you can only imagine how miserable it is). I feel extreme tension in my eye and then it feels like it spreads into my jaw mostly all the time, unless i am distracting myself. I notice it gets really bad when i try and watch TV, which i think is a learned pattern i have developed overtime, where my body just overreacts when i try and watch TV. I feel like i'm in a hole i cannot get out of, i have to rely on beta blockers everyday, or my whole right side feels extremely tense and painful. My jaw pops and so on... I'm guessing it is just stress and my mind is creating tension? Who knows, I know the best thing to do is to ignore it and accept it, obsessing and fixating is the worst thing you can do! Makes it 10 times worse for me! SO yeah you're not alone, Im praying this goes away because it is ruining my life

21-06-16, 05:54
Yes, you could be feeling anxious without it being obvious and it can cause all sorts of weird tension and numb sensations. I've had this on and off for years even when I feel relatively well.