View Full Version : Job causing great deal of anxiety

08-06-16, 19:05
Hi guys,

First of all, I'm new to this forum, so hi :)

I'm looking for some advice from people who have been in a similar situation to me or who simply may be able to relate/help...

To cut a long story short, I used to suffer from anxiety badly when I was in school/sixth form (I couldn't leave the house at one point), but fortunately I more or less 'recovered' (although I still suffer from the occasional bout of anxiety or panic attacks).

Recently, I started a new job in a new city (moved to be with my boyfriend) and at first, I thought it was perfect. It's a great job, in exactly the kind of role I wanted to do, in the right type of company.

However, there's just one major downside to this job (major for me... might not be so much to others) - the location. I can't drive, so in order to get to work, I have to take the train and walk for half an hour+. This only makes the journey a little over an hour, which I know people do a lot worse... and it's not really the time that's the issue...

- The 30/40 min walk has no toilets/shops/shelter the entire way, so once you've started walking, there's no going back. For a fairly anxious person like me, this is the idea of hell (not being able to drink 30/40 mins before leaving work in case I nearly wet myself on the way home (nearly happened, 3 times), nearly getting sick in public with nowhere to escape/hide etc.)
- I have to commute with 2 other coworkers, 1 of whom is nice enough but I find awkward to speak to and another that's absolutely crazy...

I've never encountered anyone like this crazy coworker before. We actually started off getting on so so well (I thought she could be a potential friend) and then it all went very downhill. She suddenly turned for god knows what reason and started being very rude/awkward/crazy - I won't go into too much detail as we'll be here forever, but she has kicked off about the other coworkers choice of clothing, pushed through us and shouted at us for walking too fast, ignored me for the full hour of getting the train/walking... the list goes on. Everytime I try to get on another carriage, she finds me (even tho she said herself she likes space on the train... so she does it out of spite), has a go at me if I leave work late to do a bit more work, be nice to my face and bitch about me to the other coworker when I'm not there, for him to then tell me... Basically I can't do anything right around her. I asked her what her problem was when she kicked off the other week and she later admitted she was going through a bad time and she 'really liked me'. However, this doesn't excuse her behaviour. I cannot avoid her (there is no possible way) unless I get an early or late train and that means getting to work ridiculously early and leaving ridiculously late everyday.

The commute makes me so anxious, that I get butterflies and stomach problems every day, which then makes the commute unbearable (as I feel like I'm gonna get sick in public) and then I'm exhausted every morning/evening.

I'm no longer engaged in the job, I cry everyday and I fantasise about leaving all the time. The trouble is, it's a good job AND I only started 3m ago (next week is the end of my probation and then leaving gets a whole lot harder). The thought of not escaping my job makes me so anxious and depressed.

I don't know why I'm so down and anxious over this... and I feel guilty for feeling this way when things could be so much worse. But I don't think a commute like that works for an anxious person like me. What would you do in my situation?

Thanks for reading

08-06-16, 19:39
How are you feeling about the job itself? If you didn't take into account the commute?

08-06-16, 22:34
I am going through similar although with management, and more on a professional level and not really on a commuting to work level

But - it too is ruining the fun of the job for me, and is making it feel like a stressful unhealthy nightmare

The fact that i would not be much worse off on benefits is too making me thing long and hard about if it is even worth it to continue

I too am waiting on a similar thread for advice, and whilst i can only sympathise and offer a big hug - i would love to see the reponses you get on here.

This is a great forum - and i think my anxiety would be a lot worse without it, and would definatly recommend you to stick around, as it is so helpful and i am sure you will find it too.

08-06-16, 23:13
Hey. It sounds as though you should stick it out until the end of your trial at least. Is there any other way to commute, have you tried any route planners that inc public transport. Basically it sounds like a decent job so maybe try stick it out and look at alternative travel and all options before quitting. The other alternative is maybe just telling this person to stay out of your way if tbey can't benice although i know that isn't easy. I was recently made redundant so my anxiety and Pure O is sky high at the moment and want to just stay at home but i need money so i am trying hard to get a new job and they are few and far between on decent money and hours so if you enjoy the job etc its worth trying to figure a way around the situation. Can you stagger the finish time? Obviously you need to try treat the anxiety too and lits of help can be found on here. Good luck :)

08-06-16, 23:53
Im going through a similar thing right now. Im in the middle of my probation period at a new job and I'm finding the commute extremely stressful on my anxiety. My anxiety is at the highest its been for a long time. Its not the job I have a problem with really, and the commute isn't that long, just over an hour, but i have to walk to the station and then get 2 tubes to Leicester Square and I hate it. I don't really have any advice because I'm not handling it very well, :shrug:, but I just wanted to let you know that someone else is having the same problem so your not alone.

Im sorry about your colleague, she sounds like a nightmare

09-06-16, 08:27
It seems simple but.. Why don't you start learning to drive? It will give you so much freedom and I don't know about others but it helps me with my anxiety to know I can just leave somewhere whenever I want to, I don't have to worry about travelling with loads of people, you're in control etc.

09-06-16, 12:40
Im going through a similar thing right now. Im in the middle of my probation period at a new job and I'm finding the commute extremely stressful on my anxiety. My anxiety is at the highest its been for a long time. Its not the job I have a problem with really, and the commute isn't that long, just over an hour, but i have to walk to the station and then get 2 tubes to Leicester Square and I hate it. I don't really have any advice because I'm not handling it very well, :shrug:, but I just wanted to let you know that someone else is having the same problem so your not alone.

Im sorry about your colleague, she sounds like a nightmare

I am on probation too well my trial period

At least one positive is many of us on here seem to be having the exact same problem - ie one of the main anxiety concerns are linked to a newish job where anxiety for one reason or another gets triggered.

09-06-16, 14:08
Its a strange coincidence. But I guess work can be one of the most stressful aspects of life when you have anxiety. I hate it