View Full Version : Deep thoughts anxiety

08-05-16, 00:51
Hi guys,

I have struggled with anxiety in the past quite badly but managed to get better thanks to the GP and counselling. I thought I was better so decided to come off my medication (I shouldn't have done this, I want ready), I have had a relatively good day but as soon as I get into bed I get these really deep thoughts about 'life' and 'space' and things... Such as 'how are we all here?' 'What happens if the world ends? There would be nothing' 'infinite space really scares me'... This then sends me into my panic attack and turns really uncomfortable, I was wondering if anyone got the same thing or am I the only one thinking these strange and scary things? Thank you to anyone that has read this and just to let anyone know, I have managed to feel 100% back to myself after having anxiety (GAD) before so anyone struggling should know that it will get better, I'm just having a rough time again! Love to hear anyone's thoughts or take advice/help!

If anyone has any advice or if I could help them at all then please be in touch, if we all stick together then we will get through it together!

08-05-16, 01:18
I think about this often. What if nothing was here , just endless time. I just think about how I knew of nothing before I was here and I won't know many after. Tough to get thoughts out of your head once you think them and are laying there. Just think about what you do enjoy because in the end that's what matters most.

08-05-16, 01:23
Its scary isn't it! :( this is what triggers my panic attacks most of the time! thankfully i know that it does get better and the irrational thoughts stop. Thank you for reading my post :)

08-05-16, 18:44
I have these thoughts too, for the first time in my life.. Everything feels so unreal because I have thought them to death and my reality feels strange now with this new way of thinking. You said these irrational thoughts go away eventually? They were brought on by traumatic anxiety due to medication withdrawals. It's almost like my thinking process has changed and I cant change the way I think anymore. I know how irrational these thoughts are, but they just continue to happen.

10-05-16, 18:50

I can understand that, I overthink too. I take venlafaxine and do my best to practise mindfulness.

18-05-16, 23:19
Hi guys, back on my meds and feeling much better! Thoughts have stopped a lot and don't get them as often now... Still sometimes but my meds won't have fully kicked in yet! Having abit of a rough night so decided to check back in, when you don't feel anxious it's hard to think about it but just having a bit of a bad evening, anything anyone needs then please don't hesitate to be in touch :)

---------- Post added at 23:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

I have these thoughts too, for the first time in my life.. Everything feels so unreal because I have thought them to death and my reality feels strange now with this new way of thinking. You said these irrational thoughts go away eventually? They were brought on by traumatic anxiety due to medication withdrawals. It's almost like my thinking process has changed and I cant change the way I think anymore. I know how irrational these thoughts are, but they just continue to happen.

The thoughts certainly go away and I know it's really hard to believe but life really did go back to normal for me before! I felt that good that I decided to come off the meds because it was making me get very drunk when drinking alcohol (when I finally managed to drink again after 6 months of being too scared!). I have progressed a lot in the past week but having a bit of a rough night, it always helps me to talk to people that have been through/are going through the same thing :)

19-05-16, 00:07
It's people who asked these kinds of questions that dragged humanity out of the caves and set us on course for the stars.

19-05-16, 11:49
My life has been controlled by these thoughts for 3 months now. I'm actually freaked out by being alive. I've had no let up for 3 months. Everyone has a different mind but mine has unlocked a way of thinking that can't be undone. I've been on medication that has made no difference. What medication are you on?

19-05-16, 13:14
I used to think like this too!

It's a strange feeling when something kinda kicks and you get the reality of what life is. I used to get a sudden rush and feel dead panicked.

I managed to calm things down by studying into evolution, space and how the earth was created etc. It was either that or religion, but as I don't believe in that side of things I stuck to science and facts.

We are all here by a very big miracle.

Try and think of things from a different prospective, and think of how lucky you're to be experiencing such a phenomenon.
We are here for a blink of an eye and then move onto another chapter.

The earth is amazing and offers us so much!

Stop dwelling on the what would happen and concentrate on the now.
Experience things in which you've always wanted to do.
See the miracles around you for what they're and educate yourself.

Hope this helps in someway :)

19-05-16, 13:24
I used to think like this too!

It's a strange feeling when something kinda kicks and you get the reality of what life is. I used to get a sudden rush and feel dead panicked.

I managed to calm things down by studying into evolution, space and how the earth was created etc. It was either that or religion, but as I don't believe in that side of things I stuck to science and facts.

We are all here by a very big miracle.

Try and think of things from a different prospective, and think of how lucky you're to be experiencing such a phenomenon.
We are here for a blink of an eye and then move onto another chapter.

The earth is amazing and offers us so much!

Stop dwelling on the what would happen and concentrate on the now.
Experience things in which you've always wanted to do.
See the miracles around you for what they're and educate yourself.

Hope this helps in someway :)

Part of my problem is I've gotten in to some sort of anxiety\obsessive thinking regarding what 'time' is. It's like I can't make sense of the past or the future. The fact that everything we do, every second is disappearing in to the past. My mind just can't accept reality for what it is anymore. SO to do things that I would normally enjoy creates some painful conflict in my mine as to plan something would mean doing it in the 'future'. I'm stuck in this total paradox of having to be alive when the whole concept of being alive disturbs me to the point where I feel I don't actually want to live. I actually have a perfectly happy life so I'm not feeling depressed. I just feel like I've lost the whole concept of what it means to be alive. Like everything our minds have been taught through all the years has somehow disappeared and I do not want to live like this. All of the rules of time and existence have gone and I'm just left in this limbo or complete panic and anxiety with having to live with it. The only option is to end ones life if you wish to escape life itself. My mind has gone to some kind of reality which is 'outside the box' rather than things that a relevant to most people, like friends\family etc. These things are completely irrelevant to the way my mind is working

19-05-16, 13:58
Your past doesn't disappear, it just doesn't allow you to go back and change things. Whereas your future is the complete opposite and you can change what's about to happen.

So you can change your method of thinking, and you can change the way you look at things.

Have you researched derealization / depersonalization before?.


19-05-16, 14:50
Yes I definitely have as I believe this it what started my thinking. I only have the dp/dr on and off now. This whole realization of what about time and reality has completely consumed me and in a way has removed dp and dr being all day every day.
It's like I understand that there is past and future but my mind just cannot make sense of it. I feel like the part of my mind that controls and understands that has changed and it's almost painful to try and make sense of things that are taken fro granted. Like trying to solve an unsolvable puzzle.

25-05-16, 19:20
Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I've had them before and they did go away, I just stopped taking my meds and stopped a healthy lifestyle so one night I had a panic attack and they were back! It's a chemical imbalance in our brains and I know that's really scary because we try and wrap our heads round that too but I can promise it does go, I was living a completely normal life!! Been trying to stay busy and although I have my bad days still at the moment, I'm sticking with my meds and getting better! Stay strong

25-05-16, 20:06
But time is just a word made up by mankind to make life easier. Animals have no concept of "time" passing, they live in the moment. Every 24hrs the earth goes around the sun and we call that "time passing", but in reality it is just a discription for another full rotation of the Earth surely?

26-05-16, 07:23
exactly. Time does not exist. It's just a word made up to make sense of the continual change of what is going on. My mind is now stuck in this deep level of thought and controlling my life

26-05-16, 16:43
This is EXACTLY how I have been feeling. For the past month, everything having to do with death, the universe, reality, and TIME has been constantly on my mind. I haven't been able to pay attention to anything really, because (like you), these thoughts have been extremely intrusive. The whole concept of the past, the present, and the future is terrifying to me (specifically in connection with my death anxiety). I've been on Prozac for almost a week and I'm hoping it will make a difference within a month, because I am driving myself crazy.

27-05-16, 10:17
hermione you are not alone. I've had this for months now and I hope your meds help you. It's made me afraid\disturbed about even being alive. As to be alive means living it as each second is continually the past present and future. It's truly horrible. I can't ever see a way out of this thinking process as my mind has changed the way it thinks. Also it is not thinking something false. .it's like I've realised the truth