View Full Version : Indigestion constantly for over 4 weeks

24-04-16, 14:46
Hi there I wondered if anyone could put my mind at rest I had an endoscopy about 18 months ago due to feeling that food wasn't going down properly and a sore/ burning throat all the results came back normal.... Over the last 4 weeks I've had chronic constant indigestion sore throat pain in the ribs and tummy acid nausea I've had a blood test and that has come back normal but I'm starting to panic again as no medication is helping at all omeprazole Hamilton rennes nothing 😞 I'm beginning to worry which is such a shame as I've been great for about 12 months now

24-04-16, 18:24
I'm dealing with the same thing with my wife. She had a clear endoscopy and colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago. It's coming down to dietary changes. Her gastro doc recommended the "fodmap" diet. So we've been keeping a food diary and following the diet. So far so good.

Between the diet and messing with the eating schedule we're both doing better (I have reflux issues too). We've gone to eating smaller portions and eating "dinner" at lunch time. We've also picked up our exercise (walking) and it's helped as well. If we're hungry after 6, we eat very light "fodmap" approved foods.

Might be worth checking out.

Positive thoughts

24-04-16, 18:48
I've had to cut out all "acid" food and aim for "alkaline" stuff. Long-term PPIs can also cause a lot of digestion problems so best to try and control acid by dietary means if you can.

24-04-16, 19:27
Well I'll definitely start looking into my diet thankyou both for replying it's so helpful knowing your not alone x

24-04-16, 19:37
My daughter has bad reflux and her triggers are sugar and milk. We watch her sweets intake and switches to lactose. She's much much better now! ( until she goes to grandmas)

24-04-16, 20:52
Thank you I'll bare that in mind too 👍