View Full Version : Looking to make friends with the same illness as me

05-03-07, 09:31
Looking to make friends with the same illness as me. I do have friends and family but they don’t really understand what I’m going through because they don’t have the same illness as me.
My husband works full time and my sons at school everyday.
So most of the time it’s just me on my own who sits in day and night.
I feel too anxious to go out on my own.
I find it so hard just to walk the dog around the block, my husband always offers to take me out but the places he chooses to go are the places I find the most hardest like cinemas or restaurants.
I always come over hot and panicky on buses and trains and people look at me because I start to shake and cry. It would just be nice to go out with someone who knows exactly how I feel and what to do.
When I’ve been out with other friends and I’ve come over anxious they just say pull yourself together or we’ve come all the way now, were not going back.
So therefore I don’t want to go out with someone that makes me feel worse.
It’s hard to find someone to come to the doctors with me because I get too panicky to go on my own.
It feels like it’s never going to end. These panic attacks and anxiety and depression. I just wish I had some more support. I hate facing each day. When I come over anxious at night is bad cos every one is in bed – no one I can phone for a chat! L
It's very hard to deal with anxiety alone when others don't seem to understand what I’m feeling!

05-03-07, 13:22
omg. this is exactly how i feel!. I know what i have to do to get better, i know that i have to go out and face my fears but i can't do it alone, my family doesnt understand properly and just think im being stupid, i dont want to tell my friends they already think im weird enough as it is. i just wish i had someone who knew exactly how i felt and we could both go thru it together! too bad ur from a different country! :(. i really hope you do find someone though. have you searched for a support group or something?. maybe that could work im not really sure.. im about to go and do group therapy soon. im soooo scared to go in a group but i just hope that will lead to make a friend who understands exactly how i fell.

05-03-07, 13:34

Worcester park
Surrey UK

05-03-07, 13:38
hello, its so hard when you're surrounded with people that don't understand isnt it??? at least yiou can chat to people on here that may be able to help.. and at the least understand.. i found it so hard to cope with to start off with because i too didnt understand but with support it definatly gets easier.. x

05-03-07, 13:42
it seems your husband is willing to help which is really good, but it must be hard for him too, not knowing how to help you. a good thing to do is to write a list of places out that scare you and give them a rating of 0-10 of how much they scare you, then with your husband, go to the places that are least scary and work your way up the list gradually. wait until you've built up your confidence at each destination until you move onto the next. even if you start at walking around the block its a start.. good luck

05-03-07, 14:56
Hey i'm not too far! I'm quite close to Wimbledon.

Pm me if you want to get in touch

Lolly x

Hi whats Pm? whats your email?

05-03-07, 16:25
It is very hard isn't it, everyone around is just carrying on being "normal" but we find it so hard as anxiety and panic sufferers to do those things.
My hubby works long and odd hours and my little boy is also at school. Like you i spend most days alone and it gets pretty dull..

Sarah x

05-03-07, 18:55
Yeah, I know how rough that can be. I spend most of my days alone too. I live with my parents and they both work a lot - something I wish I could do. It can be rough to make friends who understand - have you thought about trying a support group? There might be one in your area and I've heard it can be a big help.

I don't really have any friends that live close by that aren't really just friends of the family. None of them really know what I've been going through, no one I can really talk to. I live in an isolated area too so it can be kinda rough. I'm working on going out more though and am managing it, was even out in a big crowd twice this week and I did ok.

Wish I had some advice or wisdom to offer, but I'm kinda on the same boat. It will get better though, it's gotten better for me... just gotta take it one day at a time.

Good luck and god bless you,


06-03-07, 12:47
hi guys,

i think isolation makes the whole thing 100 times worse, if we all lived in the same town and had our own club we'd all be fine. i think we would all argue quite alot but maybe misunderstanding would be lessened because we were all face to face! because sometimes communicating on here especially in the chat room can get a bit weird.

but i think id be happy to be friends with everyone, we could mainly forget our anxiety and just chat about normal things but we would know that everybody would understand if we started to get a bit freaked out or upset.

think about it, if you had say 10 friends you could be with in real life and phone who all the felt the same,do you think you would be as miserable as you sometimes are?

love emma xxxxx

Freaky Chick
06-03-07, 13:13
Hi there Muchafraid

I uinderstand where you are coming from. I am there at the moment. I can't go to the Dr's surgery without company, because I can't do the waiting room - but I can do the Dr himself, but only cos i've seen him now about 15 times for this problem and i've got used to him.

The trick is to start slow. I still carry my teddy bear everywhere! It helps me, cos i'm not alone, even though he realistically can't do anything. I also have a card that i can give people if i have a panic attack, that explains what's happening and how to help me. (usually, just get me out of here quick!)

I'm not far away, about 1 hr, but not yet in a fit state to get to you, but when we're both a little better maybe that would be an option.

You will get loads of support here. Everyones lovelly, and know what you are going through.

I am lucky I guess as my church has provided a lot of support, though there are people there still who follow the just pull yourself together route - so i know how that feels too, because you just can't help it.

A quick walk round the block with the dog, until you feel safe with that, then venture further abroad with the dog and it will gradually come. There are only 2 places i can go on my own at the moment, and one of them is the Gym and i still feel anxious there.

Have a big hug honey, and i hope you find someone local to help you out who is understanding.:hugs:

Welcome to the site. take care
Freaky chick

P.S A PM is a personal/private Message - you have a message box and you can send a message to a person, that only they receive - a bit like email or instant messenger. It's at the top left hand corner of the site.

06-03-07, 16:30

I am in Epsom, Surrey so pretty close to you.

My anxiety is mainly a health anxiety - I always think I have something awful and it makes me panic - heavy breathing, palpitations, headache.

I am a mother of 2 young children and expecting my 3rd in August. My husband works very long hours. He is very supportive but, like you, I feel that he doesn't truely understand as he doesn't go through it.

PM me if you like.

Take care

Wendie j
06-03-07, 19:18
:) Hi im Wendie and i can relate to what you say,feel free to private mail me im around alot daytime if you want to get in touch.

Wendie j x