View Full Version : Skin hurts

14-03-16, 18:56
Hi everyone :)

I have severe anxiety and health anxiety. For nearly two years I have had muscle twitches, which I have finally accepted as just anxiety. However a couple of months ago I developed a new symptom.

The skin on part of my finger hurts sometimes. If I brush it against something it will hurt like its got a small cut on it or something, but there's nothing there. It will hurt for a few strokes and then be fine again. This has been happening about once or twice a week. It is fine inbetween.

Reading posts on here I know some people experience this but other people seem to get it in multiple places. Mine is always in the exact same spot, like its the exact same nerve.

Anyone else have this?

I have of course googled and now have every killer disease known to man :doh:

14-03-16, 19:09

Sorry to hear about your anxiety. Do you think the issue with your finger could be a result of you expecting it (power of suggestion)?

I think I have a similar problem though it's all over my body. Funny thing is the problem didn't exist until a day after I read about a symptom of my particular anxiety inducing issue.

Also, I know Google is sooooo tempting but the reassurance you're looking for wont be found there. Only more unnecessary stress and anxiety. I imagine you know this already though :)

14-03-16, 19:13
Hey :) no, I don't think so....it will suddenly hurt when I least expect it. Its normally when I'm not thinking about HA at all and then bam, it will hurt and I go into panic mode.

Google is evil!!! but oh so addictive

14-03-16, 19:20
I get attacks of sore spots almost anywhere on my body. Its as if I have a bad burn or am getting shingles, I cannot bear to touch the skin lightly although okay if I press it hard and I get shooting nerve pains in the area as well and sometimes crawling sensations. This never lasts more than 48 hrs and then goes away completely.
I also get the sore finger thing as well, feels as if you should have a cut or a splinter in the finger but nothing to see and again its gone with me in 24 hrs.
I also twitch somewhere alot of the time.
Over 20 years I have had an awful ot of tests like brain mri's etc and nothing neuro has ever shown up.
I think its all due to a hypersensitive nervous system due to the underlying low grade persistant anxiety hormones in our bodies.

14-03-16, 19:25
Thank you that's reassuring me a bit. I'm just worried that its in the same place. It is on my right hand which I use more, and I wonder if its an area that just gets touched more and its become hypersensitive. But then, why suddenly now?

14-03-16, 19:43
I had similar symptoms for years and years, on and off.

I would get very hypersensitive, painful to the touch patches of skin, which would be anywhere on my body - tops of legs, across shoulders,hand/fingers, forearm....everywhere.

After getting more regular and longer bouts of it recently, I finally saw my GP in January who diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. As soon as I mentioned 'hypersensitive, painful skin' that moves around, he said that was typical of Fibro. I had to have blood tests to rule out other inflammatory conditions, but everything was neg, so Fibro it is.

I didn't see a doctor about it before then as I thought it was such a nutty thing to see him about, and I put it down to (as countrygirl mentions) hypersensitive nerves and my anxiety.

Fibro is related to stress and anxiety, and my skin thing (and deep muscle aches which I also get with it) always crops up when I am depressed or very anxious.

Might a chat with you doctor be worth a go? x

14-03-16, 19:50
I saw my doctor last week and she just said it was probably an inflamed nerve and to just ignore it. I then told her I had googled and found nerve damage linked to lymphoma. She offered me blood tests to reassure me but I am now too scared to have them done. Crazy eh!