View Full Version : Trouble with words ???

13-03-16, 16:50
At the moment i have been pretty tired and all with work, school and other things and have noticed sometimes when i am talking to some one that my words wont come out correctly or in the wrong tense. It doesnt happen all the time. Should i be worried or does this happen to everyone ??

14-03-16, 04:04
This happens to me too, it can be a symptom of anxiety

14-03-16, 04:22
Yes if your worried about something all the time it's hard to do other things and sometimes that includes talking

14-03-16, 05:30
Yeah, I've had plenty of this.

What we have to remember is that these disorders affect our neurotransmitters. They have various jobs and if their levels are reduced they may struggle to do them all hence why people can be depressed from lack of Serotonin.

Confusion, cognitive problems, memory recall, etc are all very common in these disorders due to this.

15-03-16, 22:04
Yes! I've had this too and I found that the more you worry about it or concentrate on talking the more it will happen, it can become a vicious circle unfortunately.

15-03-16, 22:22
I have had this too.

I had a bad bout of it a couple of months ago. I wasn't sleeping very well and my anxiety was also quite high, and mid conversation I was almost constantly stumbling over words and stuttering too.

I think that if you are tired on top of the anxiety stuff, you have a double whammy situation. Tiredness makes our brains a bit sluggish and thinking straight is tricky, and anxiety affects our thoughts and can perpetuate the word stumbling, as we then become conscious that we are doing it, so that in turn makes it worse!

Very annoying, but nothing to worry too much about. x