View Full Version : Introducing myself and fears

28-02-16, 11:19
Hi, I'm a 27 year old "healthy" female, I'm pregnant with my third child and have a 6 and 3 year old atm, when my 6DS was 3mo old I had a panic attack called an ambulance as thought I was having a heart attact, this was the day after my Aunty was dignosed with lung cancer, ever since then I have had a fear of flying, health issues and dying. I am a silent suffer and don't share with people my fears my husband knows I fear a small amount of health issues but to know extant of what I really do! I'm so scared of dying im scared now of going to sleep as my hubby is away for work and never waking and my two kids being alone or waking with no one to help me! I fear every little health issue as well I have never had a serious health issue in my life I live a healthy lifestyle and am physically healthy but I'm sure death is just around the corner every minute of the day! I know its time I go see a doctor and admit to this fear is there medications that can help? I can't live like this for the rest of my life?

Thanks :)

28-02-16, 11:26
Hiya Shybarr and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-03-16, 19:41
Hi, I can relate to you. I am 38, have 2 children, n8ce home and lovely husband. Yet 4 years ago 8 suffered my first panic attack, it was horrific and i ended up rushing to A&E convinced i was dying. After seeing my GP and having several tests incl ecg, 24hr heart monitor and seeing a nurologist, i was told i am fine. I have continued to suffer attacks and have been on paroxetine for the past 4 years. I have also seen a counsellor and hypnotherapist. I was fine for a long time but l have now suffered 3 big ones in the past month. It doesn't matter that my rational mind knows that i am ok, I cannot stop focussing on the slighest chest pain. I often feel like i can't get to the bottom of my breath if I breathe deeply. I often feel like I am choking. What upsets me most is that I can't seem to get past it, i am an intelligent woman and know that I am fine but the fear takes over. In all honesty, I am embarassed and find it hard to explain what happens when i have an attack. I feel like a nutcase. No one can understand the fear unless they have been through it themelves.