View Full Version : raised red patches causing HA relapse :( trigger warning: symptoms/signs

14-02-16, 23:47
Hi everyone

I have been posting here on and off since my health anxiety got bad. I have done really well recently and I am having 'freak outs' over symptoms and marks on my body a lot less. I have finished two lots of therapy and I am gradually reducing my medication.

However, for the last few weeks I have noticed these red patches on my body. The largest one is on my inner arm at the top. It is red, raised and totally painless/non-itchy. The skin looks slightly dry. A couple of days ago I noticed much smaller patches of the same 'stuff' over my tummy and breasts. I probably have about 7 or 8 smaller patches. My neck and back feel a little itchy but I have no itching or pain from the red patches. I had a bad headache a few days ago but nothing since. Otherwise I feel fit and healthy.

I am freaking out cause I decided to Google this morning (even though I rarely do this now!) and something came up about lymphoma that starts as a rash on the skin (sorry if that is triggering for anyone). My mind was put a rest quite significantly when I read about a skin condition called pityriasis rosea which I think could be what I have (and it is totally harmless but can hang around a while) this rash is not eczema or dermatitis or anything like that, it kind of looks a bit speckled if that makes sense? has anyone had this?

Really cross with myself for Googling :( thought I was over all this! The interesting thing is though, 6 months ago if I found this rash I'd have been sweating, vomiting with anxiety and straight down to the drs. Now I feel quite calm, but still worried! It just goes to show how important it is to get help and that recovery IS possible. I am recovering and I know I will have relapses like this. Just wanted to share so others have some hope.

Love Snowflake xxx

Gary A
14-02-16, 23:54
Pityriasis versicolour is also a pretty strong possibility given your description of the marks and where they are on the body. This is a harmless fungal infection that causes red, slightly scaly marks on the skin. Google it and see if it matches your rash, I'm almost certain that's what it is.

15-02-16, 00:02
Pityriasis versicolour is also a pretty strong possibility given your description of the marks and where they are on the body. This is a harmless fungal infection that causes red, slightly scaly marks on the skin. Google it and see if it matches your rash, I'm almost certain that's what it is.

Thanks for your reply - I just Googled and my rash doesn't look like that. It looks more like a mild case of pityriasis rosea. I had a patch like this before on my lower back but it was itchy. eventually after a few weeks it went brown then faded.

I get nervous and seeing the doctor and avoid it unless totally necessary now because I find it triggering being in the waiting room :( my other half said if he had a rash he would go to see a dr to get it looked at but I am frightened of the dr being concerned and worst case scenario suggesting tests! (I can't cope with either being told tests need to be done or even worse, waiting for the results)

I'm at a real turning point in getting over my health anxiety and I want to avoid having a total melt down at all costs :(