View Full Version : Stabbing, pulsating head pain

12-02-16, 09:13
Hi, sorry to make another thread about something different as only yesterday I was anxious about something else!
I've had alot of anxiety regarding head aches and head pains for years. I've been to the Drs and they diagnosed migraines and said that the random head pains I get are nothing to worry about.
But of course I'm still worried. On and off for ages now I will occasionally get a stabbing pain in the right side of my head that comes with my pulse. Its always in the same spot and its often if I have like run up stairs or something and I will suddenly feel a pulse on the right side of my head and with the rhythm of the pulse I will get a stabbing pain in that same spot if that makes sense? Sometimes I brace myself because I know its coming. It doesn't happen all the time, probably a few times a month.
The right side is also the side I always get migraines. I'm totally convinced I have a weak spot inside my head and that one day I will have an aneurysm.
I know I have already seen the Dr numerous times but I cant remember if I told them about the pulsating, stabbing pain.
Its really worrying me :-( I feel like I'm just waiting for an aneurysm xxx

12-02-16, 10:21
I don't know the answer, I'm sure someone will come along who will as migraines are pretty common on here. But I can say I understand that shooting pain as I have a throbbing pain and that does throb in time with my pulse. I've been having it for the last 2 weeks and always at the base of my skull and I've put it down to neck spasm. The pain radiates from there and it can be quite painful when in spasm and it leaves with a day or two of neck ache and a bit of soreness at the back of my head.

I've done a bot of reading about it to find it's common with posture issues and stress. I've pinned the last 4 times down to each of these hence I'm writing it off as "one of those things you get with anxiety" although I've had it only in my lower back in the past and that was always with a stress trigger, but it was always an uncommon issue for me.

So, perhaps given the amount of nerves running through your head, there is always the possibility of one of the many compression issues we tend to suffer from on & off, so try not to worry about things like aneurisms.

12-02-16, 10:30
Ice pick headache maybe?

12-02-16, 10:32
I get this in the same spot on my back of my head, sometimes its quite mild other times it really is like someone is driving an icepick into my skull. It is usually made worse by going up the stairs or walking quickly etc.