View Full Version : It's back with a vengeance. Terrified it's Pancreatic Cancer...

15-12-15, 17:14
After the birth of my first child 18 months ago, I developed HA. I became convinced I had melanoma and at one point, didnn't leave the house for a week as I was such a wreck. It wasn't, I calmed down, and felt a little better. Until I found a lump in my breast and became convinced I had breast cancer. All was okay, I had some therapy (not CBT) and I had my second child 4 months ago. I have been suffering with a slight ache on my left side under my ribs for a few weeks and now I am convinced I have Pancreatic cancer. The prognosis for such a condition is appalling, and I am terrified. I saw my GP who gave me some laxatives as I suffer with IBS/constipation but I am going out of my mind. Every twinge, ache etc. and I just feel like it's consuming me. I had an upper abdominal scan in March as I was feeling funny on my right side and all was normal but now I am freaking out they missed something or only looked at the right, not the left etc. Anyway, I have booked myself in for a private ultrasound but have to wait three weeks. Cancer aside, I need some help. I need some CBT. I thought I had this under control, but I don't. This is taking over my life and I don't know what to do, although if I have PC then it probably doesn't matter anyway.....

27-12-15, 16:23
Hi Louise,

Didn't want to read and run. Don't really know what to say other than I am currently going through the EXACT same thing and worrying about PC. Like you I developed HA after the birth of my child. I have now had two upper abdo us scans which have come back fine but this does not reassure me :-(It's tough isn't it. x

27-12-15, 17:14
This is such a crule thing to suffer from I too am consumed with my health anxiety, I have self diagnosed my self with every terrible illness possible and made my self very poorly from worry you name it I can conceive my self I have it and I usually get some kind of symptom of what Iv convinced my self I have, the best bit of advice I give my self is that all this panic and hell I put my self thru on a daily basis is my health anxiety nothing more I try to tell my self that which is easier said than done but looking on here I know I'm not on my own and other people suffer from this awful thing aswell wich brings me some Kind of peace, Iv tried cbt got referred to more intense therapy after but i don't feel it works for me atall I just struggle on. I hope you start feeling better soon, xx

27-12-15, 17:31
I have the same fear and had 2 u/s in jan and got better, also had liver function tests which were fine. It had started because of back pain.

Anyway , I this fear came back last month and had private u/s on 23rd dec. all clear again but I've started to worry again as still having the back pain but thinking it could be postural. I'm 28 weeks pregnant too so that won't help.

Surely an u/s would pick up a tumour big enough to cause back pain.... That's what the sonographer' told me too.

28-12-15, 03:26
It's just so rare.... Statistically, I'd probably win the lottery before you were diagnosed with PC. Why? You're posting on an anxiety board about fears as opposed to reality.

Positive thoughts

28-12-15, 14:00
I lost my mother to Pancreatic Cancer 5 years ago

I remember scrambling around looking for info and it would be rare to get it do young.

Her decline before diagnosis was so obvious. Constant abdominal pain which was excruciating and major weight loss.

I'm the world's worst worrier about my own health, but I doubt you have PC. You need to take one day at a time and the fear will recede. Concentrate on your babies 👍

28-12-15, 16:48
Hi Louise, I have a four year old and I went through the same thing. It started on the left side right underneath my rib around when my son was about a year and a half. I carried him around on one of those baby carriers with him in the front. I messed up my spine and hurt just under the left side. I also had tons more anxiety because becoming a mom is A MAJOR LIFE SHIFT. your whole life is keeping other people alive. My health anxiety was out of control!!!!!!!! I have a husband, but lets face it, he had no idea what it was like to take care of a child 24/7. I had to even put my child in an exersaucer in the bathroom even to have a shower. Not only that if you are a stay at home mom you have more time to think and less time out doing things just for you or out with friends. I thought I had pancreatic cancer, or something on my spleen... and numerous other cancers I can't even remember. I see you have 2 children now. If you can get some help with your kids so you can go out with friends or do something where you can relax a bit. One thing I did was clean up my diet and read up a lot on anxiety and it helped a lot. Also I insisted that my husband take my child so that I could go out with friends and that helped too. I still have anxiety and health concerns but nothing like it was before. Right now you are in the weeds with those 2 babies. It's so hard right now. Please try to talk to family members or anyone who might be able to take some of the burden off your hands.