View Full Version : Copper coil/period cramp anxiety - slightly panicking

02-12-15, 23:59
My period was meant to end on Saturday but since then I've had slight bleeding and period cramps.

Tonight it is all just getting to me, I'm really worried. The pain is massively bad but it feels like the coil is digging in to the side of my womb. I'm worried that it actually is digging in or I am having an ectopic pregnancy.

I called 111 and am waiting for a clinician to call back.

On the verge of a panic attack am so scared of something bad happening.

Has anyone had any experience with the coil, can give any advice?

03-12-15, 00:34
My wife has the coil and her period cramps are way worse than without it, so it IS possible to be just that.

However, situations like this where it's new and causing so much pain definitely warrant looking in to. Wait for the advice nurse and just try to relax as best you can.

03-12-15, 01:33
Thank you for the reply.

I'm not sure whether this is out of the ordinary or if my anxiety is blowing it out of proportion. I know it's been painful in the past before I was anxious but I probably just ignored it!!

Missed the all back as signal is bad and waiting for almost an hour for them to call again.

Managed to stop myself having a scull blown panic attack on the up side.

03-12-15, 09:27
Well I am seeing a nurse at 11 to do some swabs and going to have coil removed at 1.45. Hopefully that will sort it all out. I feel so nauseated, and gassy. Hoping its the anxiety!

03-12-15, 09:43
Aw hun, you've done well, calling 111 is enough to send me into panic, they ask so many questions and I'm convinced I have the lot by the end of the call.
Good luck for today. Xxx

03-12-15, 09:58
Thank you Tracey, I know it is horrible. Some of the questions seem so random! I ended up crying down the phone to three different people this morning!

Trying to keep positive :)