View Full Version : In Urgent need of some advice! Blood in stool

29-11-15, 13:33
Ok, so I didn't get any replies to my last post which has left me even more worried. I just thought i'd try again but try to be a little more to the point.

I'm 20 years old and for around a year, I have had bright coloured blood appear on the toilet paper when going for a number two. I went to the doctors and an appointment with a colorectal doctor was made. I went to my appointment were I was examined for haemorrhoids. This came back as all clear, providing me with no explanation of the bleeding. I was then put in for a flexible sigmoidoscopy. I had the procedure which again came back as normal findings, still leaving me with no explanation for the blood.

Since the procedure 4 weeks ago, I haven't managed to let go of the idea that I may be seriously ill. I still get bright coloured red blood on the tissue, some days a lot more than others. I now also see that there are little hard black specks in my stool like coffee grains or pepper. I read up on this and have seen that a lot of people put this down to food not being digested properly or seeds or pepper remaining in the stool. I know this can't be the reason as I'm a student and don't eat any particular food consistently at all. I've even tried to cut out pepper and spices and certain things that may cause it to make sure, and it's still always there. I went to the doctors again about this as I thought it may be dark blood. He assured me that if there was dark blood, it would turn my entire stool a plum colour. Is this true? Although this gave me some reassurance, it's again left me without an answer. Now, every time I go to the toilet, i'm seeing both bright coloured blood and these black specks.

I've been drinking lots and lots of water and trying to stick to a high fiber diet but none of this seems to be helping. Even though the doctors and everyone I've spoken too have said it's most likely a fissure, I cant' help but think this would have been seen in my colorectal examination? And now I'm experiencing all sorts of stomach ache as well as a constant rumbling in my stomach which is making me feel like it can't be just a tear. My stool is always a bright brown colour and very soft which also doesn't feel right (sorry for TMI) and I experience quite a lot of trapped wind (causing the rumbling). Do you have any ideas what could be going on or how anything's connected? It's the weekend so I cant go to the doctors and I'm really in need of some advice.

Thanks, Liam

01-12-15, 06:08
I get that all the time for 2 years. I even went for a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and it was all clear. You are fine. With your age and the fact that you had a Dr say everything looked normal, you should take a deep breath and relax. Bright red blood on tp is either hemmeroids or a fissure. Try taking stool softener a for a couple of weeks and lots of water. I know how hard it is not to worry, but you did the right thing and saw a Dr. Trust them. Hope this helps.

14-12-15, 18:47
Bright red blood on tp is either hemmeroids or a fissure.

Ditto. I rarely have it anymore, but when I did, then it was also connected to pain when I went #2. Sometimes it hurt alot. Other times it was a slight pain. But when I wiped, there was some blood.

When I first noticed it and it scared me to death, I was in my teens. I was certain I had cancer. After having it come and go for awhile, I had the nerve to talk to my dad about it. He calmly told me that if it hurt or if it was red, then unless there was quite abit of black in the stool, then it was an anal fissure. (This was long before google and the internet.)

Since it has been thirty years at least since that first time, then I think he was right. Over the years, I have gotten it and I learned to recognize the connection to hard stools and pain and blood. I have had hemorrhoids too, but they never bled. However, I am told that with them there is often alot of blood whereas with a fissure, there is less and it doesn't last long.

If you notice red blood in the water or have black stools, then I would call a doctor. If you notice that going is painful and you produce marbles, then you might be safe in assuming it is fissures that occur.