View Full Version : Constitutionally Anxious

27-11-15, 07:28
Hi all,

So I finally get a lot of things which I never realised before.

I'm in my mid 30's and have recently come out of a very challenging relationship, I have also just gone through a process at work which determined whether my job would still exist or not.

The dust is now settling and I'm experiencing symptoms I never knew existed and thought I'd share them and engage with others with similar experiences.

So i've always been an anxious person - always thinking the worst, fearing and having it gnaw away at me.

Fears of history repeating - bad things seem like they're going to happen again and again.

Increasingly uncomfortable in large crowds, something which never bothered me before.

Isolating myself physically, socially and emotionally. "If don't let it in and really feel it then i can't be hurt by it when it goes wrong".

But those things are, for me, just run of the mill. Normal, the way its always been. Never gave them a second thought until recently.

For me, It all started to happen a few months ago when, out of the blue, I started really struggling to breathe. No matter what I did I couldn't catch a satisfying enough breath.

Was at work but made my excuses and went to the GP. Could only see a nurse who thought it may be anxiety related. As I was already taking Mirtazapine for depression the nurse felt it was sufficient. I asked for an inhaler as it used to help with similar issues due to asthma when i was a kid.

Naturally, that didn't help when the situation repeated itself.

I could say things calmed down for a bit as the relationship unravelled and the work thing took its course.

I was more depressed than i'd ever been (seem to get episodic depression, I can get out of it given a little time and space).

Lately, as i've came out of the depression, the anxiety seems to have gone into overdrive.

Regularly find my heart almost beating out of my chest when i'm doing nothing more stimulating than watching tv.

I was a bit lazy this weekend and spent the entire time watching tv and then i started to notice pains all over my body but very significantly deep in my calf muscles.

I was CONVINCED it was DVT and that my inactivity may kill me. Living on my own, this prospect was incredibly frightening and I just couldn't shake it off.

Massaged the muscles, did all manner of stretching and a bit of exercise but the pain would not go.

Called NHS direct who said i should see a GP within a few days. All the while, I could barely breath again and could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

Rationalised the next day and put it down to anxiety and left the matter there. But the pains were now all over arms, legs, chest and back. NOW i was convinced I had some horrible cardio-vascular issue and was going to have a heart attack at any moment.

Same thoughts as before, taking me so far beyond my stress scale i never knew it existed. I should add, my partner suffered from depression and tried to kill herself on multiple occasions and I managed to prevent that. To put that into perspective - awful and terrifying but this was beyond even that.

Eventually went to GP yesterday as chest pains continued. GP did some checks and put it down to anxiety, referred me to a talking therapies group.

Got home, thought "great, its all in my mind. Just relax and remember that".

Just due to go to bed and suddenly feel this pressure growing inside my chest, a few inches below my nipple. It kept growing and could feel something under the surface of my skin growing. Thought it was my liver massively expanding.

Try to rationalise but brain tells me that "you can physically see and feel something going on, thats real, not in your head". Again call NHS direct who suggest i go to get checked out.

Said this wasn't possible as it was 0130 and A&E is 20 miles away - no car, no public transport. They said they'll get a GP to call. As soon as I put the phone down, head is going crazy with worry and decide to spend the money to take a taxi to the hospital.

Can feel this thing all the way there, have to undo belt and button in the taxi because I feel like i'm about to burst. Soon as i get to A&E it starts to subside.

Spend the next four hours being checked out. Bloods, urine, physical exam. Can't find anything.

Come home and even now, got a nagging pain in my side and in spite of having those checks i'm worried they missed something.

THIS IS INSANE! I know it but I can't always rationalise it away. I genuinely believe that this evening I had something happen but i don't know what and nor do the doctors. I believe they checked properly and there is nothing there but i still feel "what if's" creeping in.

I'm not an outwardly nervous person. Am good in a work environment and can be reasonable company with friends or wider groups. I'm moderately successful in what i apply myself to and don't run away from challenges.

But right now I feel like i'm losing my mind. GP thinks its all coming out now i've got some space after everything that has happened. I think he's right.

Sorry for the long post but I really needed to get this off my chest. Going to read a lot on this forum but I suspect it'll make me stress when I read some posts.

27-11-15, 07:33
Hiya JohnMack and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

27-11-15, 08:09
Hi - I think sometimes we cope with really awful stuff and it's only when the dust settles that it really hits us?

I've read loads of stuff on this site and it's really helped me - I've found ways to cope with some of my issues and also it's made me feel less alone knowing others get it too.

I think the therapy group that your GP has suggested sounds a good plan? It always helps to talk stuff through X

27-11-15, 13:50
Hi John,

First of all, :hugs:. What you are feeling is a physical manifestation of your anxiety. The hunger for air, the chest pain...to us, it is real. We, when we are having good moments, can look at our "anxious moments" and say, "that is just insane"-feel a bit crazy that something can have so much power over us, but when our anxiety is stronger than we are, it controls us, convinces us we dying. It sounds like you and I have a very similar type of anxiety-health anxiety. That is how mine manifests itself. When I get anxious, I am convinced I have ALS, cancerous tumors, heart disease...it is horrible. The mental torture I put myself through is incredible, and so very sad. I found this forum three days ago and I am hoping that I can finally find people like me to talk to, and maybe by talking about our demons we can control them. You are not insane, you have anxiety. Like people who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or ADD, we have anxiety. I hope you find some solace here, and realize that you can minimize the amount of control that anxiety has in your life.

28-11-15, 19:22
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies and the welcome!

I get the sense just coming on here and talking about this stuff is a positive step - it shows we've identified the issue and aren't going to let it swallow us up.

I agree @Yorkshirewife which is why i'll give it a go but i've taken another approach after a good sleep and i think this may be a good one for others in this situation, how about you @31andcounting - I'm thinking, I'm not as fit as I should be, so this fear has a basis in reality although my brain is magnifying it out of all proportion.

I've already started taking a bit more exercise and eating better. If i'm to have a drink, its usually on a Sat night but i haven't for a few weeks and have no intention of it tonight. I'm not sure I will again, time will tell!

Think its just a good idea to take something positive from the anxiety and show it whose boss.

I've been getting pains in my calf muscles all day on and off. Find its more noticeable when i'm not occupied but don't want to become a basket-case by trying to keep myself active 24/7. Instead i've just said to myself, "its all in my head" but have done some time on the cross trainer and some specific exercises for these muscles. Hasn't got rid of the pain but has made me feel like i've achieved something I ordinarily wouldn't have.

Pleased to have found you guys and hope we can all benefit from being members and getting this stuff off our chests!

29-11-15, 04:03
Hi John. When my anxiety strikes I tend to get pains all over, but especially in the places you have mentioned. I think for me its in the places I can pinpoint what's( in my head) wrong with me and it scares the crap out of me. Just last week I've been suffering headaches, pain moves all over my head. So I've been panicking. Dr checked me out so its eased now.. When I first started getting anxiety my dr thinks its a delayed reaction from a violent relationship. I think it came about 4 months after I kicked him out. Nearly 18 years later I still get anxiety periods. But touch wood so much easier to deal with.. Stay strong x