View Full Version : Fingernail flew into nose

26-11-15, 13:39
I was clipping my fingernails and when I got to my pinky a small clipping flew up and I felt it hit/go into my right nostril. I immediately grabbed a tissue, plugged the left nostril, and blew, but didn't see it come out. I've tried that several times since. I know logically that it might have hit my nose and fallen right back out, but of course I'm worried that it flew up into my nose. I'm afraid to breathe through my nose! Do you know where it would/could go if it flew up there? Is there any connection to your brain?

26-11-15, 16:19

i'm honestly not sure if the nose has anything to do with the brain (don't think so)

but i think you'll be okay.

26-11-15, 16:23
:lac:... just not a plausible scenario.

Positive thoughts

26-11-15, 16:30
I want my mind to tell me you're right, fisherman, but how do you know? I don't mean that in an antagonistic or unkind way, of course. Just trying to get some logic working against my HA.

26-11-15, 16:34
I want my mind to tell me you're right, fisherman, but how do you know? I don't mean that in an antagonistic or unkind way, of course. Just trying to get some logic working against my HA.

OK equally then this is not meant in a belittling or mean way.

I am guessing the piece of finger nail had to be pretty tiny. Therefore in the very very very unlikely scenario where it went up your nose in the first place and even more unlikely scenario that it didn't fall back out, the only place it could go from there is through the link between your nose and throat. So worst case scenario you have swalloed it in which case as it's organic matter which is tiny and releatively easy to break down your digestive system will have taken care of it and it will bey now be gone.

Please don't worry it will be fine.

26-11-15, 16:51
Thanks James. I know there is a rational part of my mind shaking its head at me, but the HA part is yelling at me that there are dire consequences here. I know that there's not a clear shot from your nose to your brain, but I also know that the separation is very thin so that's freaking me out since fingernails are sharp.

05-01-22, 06:17
This is not a reply, I’m asking a question. Okay so a small price of nail (fingernail) went up my nose, what can happen? would anything bad happen i’m scared to do anything

05-01-22, 07:37
Nothing can happen, even in the almost impossible event that it somehow shot up a nasal passage that is designed to not allow foreign bodies to enter (think of the hair inside the nose). IF it was high up your nose you'd be streaming and sneezing, the body would naturally remove any foreign object like a piece of nail clipping this way and if that failed then it would go down the back of your nasal passage and you'd swallow it (as I have a few flies over the years LOL). If you aren't streaming and sneezing then either it hit your nose and fell straight back out, or its in the lower section of the nose below the cartilage where it will fall back out in time.