View Full Version : Im SCARED SCARED and its Getting LOUDER!

14-02-07, 01:24
Over eight months I have questioned and ask everyone everywhere about what im hearing.There was someone on here I think that they reported hearing the same thing all the time and also with it getting worse when your sinuses were bad.At least I hope that was here.I am hearing my pulse thudering in my head all the time.When I lie down sometimes it quits or I can't hear it but for the most part I can hear it all the time.Sometimes like a low beat and sometimes like thunder but everyday .Someone wrote here that they also heard theirs all the time especially when their sinuses were bad ,wish I could hear from them again.In the last few days in the quiet or not quiet I can hear it thundering through my head.I am not listening for it and when I stick my finger in my left ear I cannot hear it,that tells me that its coming from my head outside somewhere.I have had a weird sensation on the left side of my face off and on for quite a while to.Its not like a numbness but feels like a dry skin feeling .I don't know if this is something to do with the noise or not,I talk to nurses all the time that say you are focusing on it.I do not.it booms in my ears so how can you not notice it..I have been keeping busy but today its louder than ever and my face has that feeling and im really scared that its something to do with arteries in my head or neck or something.I am really worried about it.Could it really just be the hollow part of my head resonating my pulse with an vein or artery or should I be concerned.Its just louder today than ever and doesnt want to seem to let up..Please tell me if you have this and it bothers you ,its really scaring me today especially with this weird sensation on the left side of my face..I also have tmj could this be the result of tmj all of this? Please help me...


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

14-02-07, 14:18
Hi there
I really feel for you, i have had those symptoms too - sometimes so loud i shake with them! They are a very common anxiety symptom, but they are so horrible, you worry more and hey presto more symptoms!
The main thing that helped me deal with this and all the other symptoms of anxiety are the Claire Weekes books. Have you read them? They are so good for explaining the symptoms in detail and once you know what they are they don't bother you so much - well it worked for me and I've had so many symptoms, many of which have gone now.
Hope you feel better soon X