View Full Version : Scared I'll die by picking my nose

11-10-15, 22:39
I'm 18, and for years and years I have had the compulsive urge to pick my nose. This has a few times resulted in bad nosebleeds, though they have healed quickly every time. Now, I am really worried that I could cause some arterial hemmorageorage and bleed to death through a case of absent minded picking (my problem is particularly bad when I just wake up, as I am not thinking straight when I do it). I've read about a man with dementia who apparently killed himself this way, though I imagine he would have had to penetrate very deeply in order to burst a major blood vessel- he probably had no insight whatsoever.
I just hope to be reassured that this sort of thing wouldn't happen to me in my case.
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier

11-10-15, 22:46
With respect... ummmm really? :huh:

Ironically and a side note, "Booger" is my cat's nickname :D

Positive thoughts

12-10-15, 00:09
Hi Peter,
Do you receive any kind of therapy for your thoughts? x

12-10-15, 00:45
I mentioned it a couple of weeks ago to my psychologist, who sugested I clear my nose with a tissue, and said that I wouldn't kill myself my picking my nose (I still keep thinking about that man, though)

12-10-15, 06:24
So, when I was 5... I had the same fear. Because a man died that way on the local news. But they found out he never washed his hands, on top of that he used utensils to do it. So he kept getting such deep cuts that would pose huge risk. You... Are just fine. Wash your paws.