View Full Version : Eyesight going funny!

04-10-15, 21:28
Please help! I haven't been on here for a while because my anxiety has been good. However tonight in the last couple of hours I have felt whilst watching TV my right eye sight has been blurry. It still feels like it now and when I was looking at a bit of fluff on the carpet from a distance it looked like I could see two of them. Im really worried my eye sight is going to go funny cos about 8 years ago I had double vision for two weeks with no explanation. Really scared it's coming back :-(

04-10-15, 21:59
Hiya, that sounds very unnerving, and if you have had anxieties before you may be like myself and always consider the worst instinctually, particularly if you have had a bad experience in the past you can relate it to.
Im no doctor but if something that happened 8 years ago and not again up until now is probably not connected, I think you would have had symptoms between then and now, but anything that worries you is absolutely worth getting checked out.

How is it now ? I know when I really focus on something I worry about, the more I feel something is wrong, the more it seems to be wrong. Worry sucks right.