View Full Version : Feeling fed up and worried

04-10-15, 09:00
Feeling very anxious and fed up i have not been feeling well for a while now it started off with a soar throat and acid reflux feeling sick this has been for a couple of months now . Now i feel bloated feel sick belly ache low down aches under my belly groin pain i feel like i need to go to the toilet for a poo and generally not feeling well. I also feel like under my ribs on my back both sides that something is being squashed and aching i think i have had this sensation before years ago iam thinking the worst again and very worried. Deep down i keep thinking it could be nothing serious like all the other times i thought i was very ill but dont know as iam not feeling well and its my sons 8th birthday party today.

04-10-15, 20:26
Hi Lees, Sorry you havnt been feeling well :(

Just skimmed through your symptoms, Im not a doctor of course just a long time Health anxiety sufferer and general worry head, but they do definitely tick all the boxes of anxiety, upset tummy, constipation, nausea, muscular tenderness (at least from my own personal experience).
Have you seen the doctor or made an appointment?

I too always try to tell myself 'it has always been fine in the past whenever I have been worried' but if only it were that simple right :) but each time it is I am always surprised..
Hope your Son had a nice birthday, my daughter was 8 last November, they grow up so quickly don't they.

05-10-15, 13:44
Hi thanks for your reply Wonderlust i have seen the doctor but i think he isn't taking me seriously i have felt a little bit worse today i think i need to go back to the doctors and see what he says. I have been here before and thought the worst but its always been nothing serious but this time i dont know. And thank you my son had a great birthday thanks again for your reply.

05-10-15, 15:32
Hi there. I am currently feeling the exact same way as you. Sometimes I can't even pin point what is feeling wrong sometimes, I just have this general sense that something is wrong. It could be brought on by a cramp, a muscle strain, sore throat ect. I am like you, deep down I really feel like it is nothing, but it is hard to convince my brain of that. The only real solution to this is cognitive behavioral therapy. It does as much good for me as any medication. It takes time and commitment, because sometimes in your anxious times your body will tell you not to do it. My counsellor said to me once "if you don't practice the strategies we have gone over that a part of me thinks you want this anxiety in your life". At first I was a little upset about that, of course I don't want it. But what he said is so true, if I want to get better, I need to work on the things that will help me. It's like struggling with a migraine, but not taking any medicine to help. It kind of got me off my butt and I really started to take even 10 minutes a day to go over the cbt strategies. A great way to start is to pick up the book mind over mood. It is kind of a work book. I try to read for 15 minutes a day and it makes a huge difference.
Take care!

05-10-15, 15:43
these sound like some of the symptoms I have had. I had lots of acid reflux, sore throat, pain in my stomach. I went to see my gastroenterologist and found out I had GERD. Gerd can cause sore throat and I felt very bloated in the mornings. Have you been to see your GP about the symptoms. it can sometimes make me feel pretty horrible if I don't keep a check on it. I'm not sure if that will be of any help but maybe its worth a shot. hope you feel better soon