View Full Version : Beau's lines in fingernails?

03-10-15, 04:43
I'm new here, and I feel that it's kind of odd for me to post on 2nd day of being on here, but here I go.

The story starts with me having non-stop panic and health anxiety attacks for the past few months or so. I have thought I have had everything under the sun once again. I have freaked out over a large majority of cancers and diseases. I have had health anxiety for a good chunk of my life and have been doing so well with it. But as of late I have been all over the place.

So In my freaked out rage I ended up calling upon Dr. Google. You know how big of a help he/she is... But I ran across a post that someone was concerned about why their nails were changing in shape. So I looked at my nails and freaked out. Reason being is that I have graduated from cosmetology school and know what Beau's lines can look like. These lines can indicate small things like stress, zinc deficiency, and damage. But the bigger precursor to these lines are systemic illness, cancers, and diseases.
After thinking of what I have learned, I went into a catastrophic melt-down. I did not know what to think about it all.

Rewind back to a month prior, I went into urgent care and voiced every concern I could possibly have. They reassured me and took some blood tests just to see if anything is going on. The man comes back and tells me that I have many different deficiencies across the board. E.g.: Potassium, and things like that. It was like 6-7 different things. But I cannot for the life of me remember if he ever said Zinc deficiency. So In a way I am kind of torn. I hope this is something I can buy at the store to take to clear it up, and nothing more serious.

Does anyone else have these lines on their fingernails? They are actual horizontal bumps. Like a speed bump. I'm in my early 20's. I should not be this alarmed but I am.

Any input would be wonderful. Thank you.:bighug1:

03-10-15, 11:28
I think when it comes to looking for things wrong on your nails, you are just looking for things to worry about because of your anxiety. You know you are healthy and I'm sure we are have deficiencies. Why don't you invest in a good quality multi vitamin (pre natal is good) and try to find the root of your anxiety?
Btw, yes, I have these bumps on my nails, mostly my thumb nails.

03-10-15, 14:45
You know.. Maybe your right. I guess I just could have not realized it. Just wish health anxiety would give me a break, you know. I have a new doctor and my set up appointment is coming. Thanks for your input, means a bunch.

03-10-15, 15:07
I get it all the time. It always appears during a depressive phase. I'm in my mid-twenties.

03-10-15, 15:13
I have got one on my thumb nail and have had it for as long as I can remember. I always assumed this was a left over from trauma as my other thumb nail once got shut in a safe door and that has got some very strange crinkles in the nail ever since.
Nail signs are only of significance if they are accompanied by other very obvious symptoms for example I know someone with very bad lungs from smoking and he has the typical nails associated with lung problems.

03-10-15, 20:26
It's just terrifying to me. Because I have it on almost all of my fingers. Normally I have really nice nails. I'm doing my best not to think about it. But watching it change by the day is just so scary! I'm hoping to that my new doctor will look into it. I'm only in my 20's I shouldn't have to be scared because of this.

03-10-15, 20:41
I just went through this with a dark line on my index finger. My dermatologist took one look at it and said it was nothing. When I began to question him, he stopped me cold and said it's NOT melanoma.

Stay off Google. It's evil.

03-10-15, 21:27
So, I'm going to try and calm down. Google is evil, however I learned this in cosmetology as well. But you normally don't see this in younger people. I'm just so afraid of cancer, I really am. It makes up about 90% of my health anxiety. Just recently one of my friend's was diagnosed with cancerous tumors. One of my mother's friend's has just today been diagnosed with cancer. The thought of me having something is just hurting me so badly. I can't think of leaving my mother if anything happens, because she's already lost 5 of my siblings. Knowing my mother, she would do something over the top extreme because I'm her only child. I wish I could snap my fingers and have either a real time body diagnosis, or to have my health anxiety shut off.

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------

I think the other part that is hard for me is that I can't just say "nothing is wrong, I'm just fine". Because every time I look down I see my horribly bumpy nails. I wish I never learned about it, also wish Google was not evil.